7 Tips to Dramatically Increase Your Pinterest Following
Did you know that global scrapbook website Pinterest can significantly benefit your business? With over a million visitors a day, the third largest social network can be a great way to drive traffic, connect with your target [..]
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How to Beat the News Feed Rankings and Build Organic Reach
The Dirty Game of Newsfeed Rankings
While out to dinner last night, I noticed that my friends had developed a “Snapchat tendency.” I watched patiently as each one painstakingly chronicled our outing by [..]
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How to Save Time and Increase Sales With Automated Marketing
8 years ago
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It is undeniable that marketing is essential to any business—including yours. Without marketing, you would have no way of finding new customers, and without customers your business has no purpose.
However, if [..]
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9 Twitter Chats to Use As an Effective Branding and Marketing Strategy
8 years ago
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Twitter chats are becoming the go-to for brand marketing using social media. Imagine you are at a networking event except this event is in the comfort of your own home, without the fancy attire and little to no pressure to [..]
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4 Digital Marketing Strategies You Should Be Using By Now
We’re at a point in digital where “digital marketing” no longer really stands on its own as a separate, unknown entity. We live in an increasingly digitally focused society and as a result, digital [..]
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45 Customer Focused Social Media Post Ideas
A successful business knows and interacts with its customer base. That may mean you have lots of face to face time with customers in a brick-and-mortar store front, but in our age of digital relationships, it also means you [..]
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How to Effectively Manage Your Online Reputation
While there once was a time when business owners and their community only interacted via commerce; a time when the company released their product and the consumer interacted by purchasing or holding their purse; however, the [..]
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How to Increase Your Instagram Influence
In the last six months of 2016, Instagram gained 100 million new users. Think about the scale of that. In roughly 182 days, 100 million new individuals downloaded the app and became users. That’s nearly 500,000 [..]
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4 Steps to Generate Leads with Pinterest
Are you a Master Pinner?
You may not think so, but I can assure you that you are closer to grasping the art of Pinterest than you may think.
We’ve all done it. Whether you are planning for a wedding and need of ideas [..]
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How Much Should You Spend on Social Media Marketing?
The old saying is true when it comes to marketing, it does take money to make money. Effective marketing strategies will increase your brand awareness and recognition and drive sales. While marketers have known that social [..]
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