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Our Writing Team


University of Tennessee studied failures of thousands of small businesses and attempted to identify the primary culprit leading to demise.  The cause of 46% of failures was determined to be “incompetence”.

We’re here to make sure that doesn’t continue to happen.

We developed StartUp Mindset to help entrepreneurs and anyone else who wants to succeed in business. You’ll find information, tools, resources, motivation and a ton of other goodies to spark your Startup mindset. Subscribe by email so you will be the first to get the latest updates on everything you need to grow your business!

“A startup company is designed to grow fast.  Being newly founded does not in itself make a company a startup.  Nor is it necessary for a startup to work on technology or take venture funding or have some sort of exit….

the only essential thing is growth.” 

Here are some of the awesome writers and contributors that help deliver valuable insight and information to you daily.

Staff Writers

Loraine Couturier
Staff Writer

 Loraine Couturier is a jet set writing chick from Canada that travels around the globe. Her writing and marketing skills are what keeps her eating exotic meals and jumping on planes. Loraine loves writing about pretty much anything and likes to pass on the knowledge she has to others. Visit her at lorainecouturier.com

Summer Anderson
Staff Writer

Summer Anderson is a mother, wife, writer and long time lover of the game of golf. Her passion lies in writing from the heart, and on topics that are most important to the Millennial generation. She hopes to impact those through her writing and advice on marketing and social media communication. When she is not on the golf course, blogging or watching "Frozen" with her little ones, she can be found designing websites in her home state of Pennsylvania.

Rebecca Moses
Staff Writer

Rebecca Moses is a creative writer who can't keep from meddling in the real world. While living in Colorado, she developed a particular interest in small business production. She loves a writing challenge, dabbles in illustration, and reads to figure out how all things work and grow. Find her at RebeccaMosesWriting.com

Anabel Morales
Team Writer

Anabel is a lifestyle and travel blogger based in New York City. After starting her blog earlier this year she started venturing out to make a career out of writing. When she is not writing she is reading a novel, or wrapped up in a cool Netflix documentary. You can follow her on Instagram, and Twitter.

Thomas Martin
Editorial Team/ Team Writer

Tom is a member of the Editorial Team at StartUp Mindset. He has over 6 years of experience with writing on business, entrepreneurship, and other topic. He mainly focuses on online businesses, digital publishing, marketing and eCommerce startups.

Mary Francois
Team Writer

Mary Francois is a writer with a strong footing in the adult learning space. Her focus is creating valuable content based on her experience in business development. She takes inspiration from Maya Angelou’s wise words, ‘when you learn, teach. When you grow, give.’

Lance McHenry
News Writer/Team Writer
Lance McHenry is a writer, tea snob, entrepreneur, lover of #tech and #startups. His idea of triathlon is developing an idea, creating a prototype, and validating. He has been involved in the growth of several startups and now shares his ideas on business and tech. Follow him on Twitter @Lanceexpress.
Lindsey Conger
Associate News Writer

Lindsey is a writer originally from Chicago but can now be found somewhere in Europe. She is driven by a passion to explore every corner of the world, spread her marketing and business knowledge, and to be able to speak Spanish fluently. Follow her on Instagram at @lindseyaconger

Erin Shelby
Team Writer

Erin Shelby is a writer and blogger based in Ohio. She has been contributing her writing talents to StartUp Mindset since 2022

Victoria Walling
Team Writer

Victoria is an award-winning international communications manager with over 13 years of experience in strategic campaigns, brand storytelling, and building stakeholder relationships across diverse industries and regions. She is known to challenge norms and capitalize on brand storytelling opportunities. She is an avid writer, a frustrated chef, and a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion.



Chintan Zalani

Monthly contributor: Chintan Zalani is a copywriter and loves helping startups emotionally connect with their customers. Hire him to create an effective content marketing strategy for your brand.

Melanie Boylan

Melanie has been supporting business owners with Social Media Training and Management since 2013 after a Magician asked for her help with Facebook. More on that later... In late 2016 Melanie started writing for Irish Tech News and now travels to locations throughout Europe and reports, blogs and Live Streams her experience of events whilst she's there. Her interests span Social Media (of course) Event Planning and Co-ordination, Start Up Business Support, Mentoring and Sponsorship on the job. However, off the job she's into SciFi / Sci Fact, STEM and Space. Oh and Cats rule.

Lisa Michaels

Lisa Michaels is a freelance writer, editor and a striving content marketing consultant from Portland. Being self-employed, she does her best to stay on top of the current trends in business and tech. Feel free to connect with her on Twitter @LisaBMichaels

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