Pros & Cons of Being Solopreneur and How to Know If It’s Right for You
While we are all quite familiar with the term, “Entrepreneur”, there is another word that has been slowly gaining momentum, especially in a world where we are so digitally connected. Solopreneurship is the [..]
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10 Ultra Successful Entrepreneurs You Didn’t Know Were Introverts
Ben Silbermann-Co-founder, Pinterest
Raised in Des Monies, Iowa, Ben Silbermann loved collecting as a kid. That love for creating a collection eventually led him to launch Pinterest. Silbermann graduated [..]
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How to Respond to Negative Criticism About Your Product/Brand
Our media cycle is 24/7 365 days of the year, and shows no sign of slowing down. People can express their joy, disgust, love, and hate within seconds, and broadcast their thoughts to millions around the world. From cable [..]
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Funding Your Ontario Business: LaMar Van Dusen, Director at Phoenix Management, Offers Guidance
You’ve wanted to get into business for yourself for a long time now, and have the ideas and experience and a ready market to make it work.
The problem is, all that won’t pay the rent on your storefront or [..]
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6 Keys to Make an Eye-catching Website that is Simple and Sleek
Websites are a presentation of ourselves to the outside world. If you have a bad website, in a way, you make a bad impression on those who don’t know you or your company personally. A website can be a simple overview [..]
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4 Marketing Trends That Have to Stop
8 years ago
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The world of marketing is ever-evolving — as society and technology march forward, so too does the way we advertise. This progression is extremely important. Not only does it allow brands to connect with consumers on [..]
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6 Tips to Avoid Burnout as a Solopreneur
If you have started a business by yourself, you know firsthand that it means a lot of long nights and cancelled plans. There aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done. It can also get lonely. Most of your [..]
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How to Generate Earned Media for Your Startup
8 years ago
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I’ve heard the adage about all press being good press being twisted around to “no press is good press,” “even bad press is good press,” and my personal favorite, “press is [..]
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The Benefits of OCR Systems for Your Business
8 years ago
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OCR technology was first created in the 1990’s as a means to improve business efficiencies with regard to document collection, handling, and storage. Many companies, especially large conglomerates, [..]
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7 Psychology Principles to Improve Office Productivity
Almost anyone who runs an office is trying to think of ways to improve productivity without placing excess pressures on workers. If such solutions might also be relatively cheap to implement, so much the better. The [..]
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