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Monthly Strategy Theme Suggestions for Social Media and Blogs

Who here just simply hates sorting out their content every, single, month?  It’s definitely a toughie to create something fresh and engaging and having to come up with a unique spin on something that no doubt has already been seen and written about before.  I know, I do it for a living…

So how do we get around it?  Here are a few ways that have worked for me in the past, and I hope you get some leverage from these suggestions:



Listen to Your Audience

If you’re prepared to listen to your audience, to a large extent they will tell you what you need to share.  Although you have an Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on your website, it’s safe to assume that not everyone will look there.  It’s worth sharing your FAQs more frequently directly to your audience.

From now on, the next time someone calls you, emails you, or perhaps pops into the shop, write down their questions.  Remember that your audience won’t necessarily use the terms you use to describe what you do, so pinch the “layman” terms they use and make use of them.

Months of the Year

It’s a fabulously, detailed online list of all of the weird and wonderful days that can be celebrated from January to December.  There’s some real weird ones too!These can be very useful for businesses to lift the mood of their content.  Let’s face it, some businesses may find it hard to talk about their speciality topic all the time, so to promote something relevant and amusing could well invigorate their feed.

Perception is Everything!

If you want to do something a little different and that costs you nothing, why not take a photo of one of your events or products from a different perspective? 

Instead of getting a photo of the Christmas Tree directly looking at it, why not take a photo through the tree looking at the room?  How about pretending you’re taking a photo from the perspective of a decoration, perhaps looking upwards or downwards?

How about if you took a glance around the room of your shop and took it from the perspective of someone in a wheelchair?  Does the layout allow for this? 

If you sell a product that is themed like gifts or cards then instead of taking flat photos of the outside, take photos of the inside and ask people what they think the front looks like?  This generates conversation, and gets them thinking about your products.

If you’re a service, then perhaps record a segment of a planned sales call and share that experience online. 

Using your imagination, there is no limit to what you can do.

We Already Have Christmas in July

As that is already a “thing,” why not create your own weird day or week for yourself.  How about “House Move Monday” for Estate or Rental Agents.  Or “Thursday Coffee Musings” for coffee houses and clever baristas.

Let your mind go wild, and don’t worry about it rhyming.  To be honest, the less sense it makes the more likely it is to be remembered and mentioned by others.  Be unconventional, it works.

Fluffy Animals and Kids – Nope

Be less predictable, its ALL been done before, and from now on add wobbly eyes to pretty much anything else.  If you sell fish and chips – add wobbly eyes to a box filled with them.  If you sell golf equipment add wobbly eyes, if you sell makeup, add it a to a mirror that reflects your products.  Be imaginative, and remember to share it.

It’s wacky, different, memorable, and little bit funny too.

Filters on Social Media

A lot of platforms do these nowadays, some are more creative than others, and the themed ones obviously change.  The two big favorites of mine would be Snapchat and Instagram, and I have previously created images or indeed completed whole “Lives” using a themed filter.  It’s a free, imaginative way to use a tool developed by the platform to promote your brand. 

If you don’t want to use it on yourself i.e., appear face first, then a lot of Instagram and Facebook filters can be turned around and used on inanimate and animate objects. 

T-Shirt Tastic

If you want to go down another visual route, then when you’re either at events as a speaker, an attendee, or stand owner, you may want to consider getting a themed T Shirt.  This could be a picture or a saying, but either way it’s an expression of how you can help someone, and that’s something that can be photographed and ultimately shared.

Or if you’re more into Going Live then of course this is another way of reaching a larger audience with your useful T Shirt while on camera.


ALL of these suggestions can be used for Going Live on social media or on your blog.  Maybe do it once and repurpose everywhere else afterwards!

The more fun you have with your brand, the more your audience will enjoy it.  Try to stay on Mission and Vision of course, but that doesn’t mean it has to be boring.

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Melanie Boylan
Melanie has been supporting business owners with Social Media Training and Management since 2013 after a Magician asked for her help with Facebook. More on that later...
In late 2016 Melanie started writing for Irish Tech News and now travels to locations throughout Europe and reports, blogs and Live Streams her experience of events whilst she's there.

Her interests span Social Media (of course) Event Planning and Co-ordination, Start Up Business Support, Mentoring and Sponsorship on the job. However, off the job she's into SciFi / Sci Fact, STEM and Space. Oh and Cats rule.

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Melanie has been supporting business owners with Social Media Training and Management since 2013 after a Magician asked for her help with Facebook. More on that later... In late 2016 Melanie started writing for Irish Tech News and now travels to locations throughout Europe and reports, blogs and Live Streams her experience of events whilst she's there. Her interests span Social Media (of course) Event Planning and Co-ordination, Start Up Business Support, Mentoring and Sponsorship on the job. However, off the job she's into SciFi / Sci Fact, STEM and Space. Oh and Cats rule.

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