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5 Tips For How to Organize Your Work Week Efficiently As A Solo Entrepreneur

5 Tips For How to Organize Your Work Week Efficiently As A Solo Entrepreneur

Being a solo entrepreneur can be very overwhelming, considering you have to oversee each and every job done in your company. You have to make sure the orders are in on time; your staff members are all present, your finances check out, so on and so forth. The tasks you are to supervise could quite frankly overpower you, and for that reason, you must have a system to get everything done. And some ways to do just that are highlighted below.

Have a daily and a weekly to-do list

You cannot get your weekly work in check if you do not have an everyday planner. And one type of day-to-day planning is a to-do list. This is the simplest way to make sure you complete all your tasks for the day. At the beginning of your week, you need to jot down the tasks you are to get done and allocate a day to complete them. In the day section, clearly, state the tasks in full, and once you’ve completed it, neatly tick it off your list.

Use a calendar template to mark your days

Another beneficial way to organize your work is by inputting your work in a weekly work schedule  template. This is particularly useful to get an overview of what you are to accomplish days to come, meetings, orders or personal appointments. For instance, if you are to receive orders on Thursday and you need to make the requisition days earlier, the calendar prompts you accordingly. That way, come Thursday, you will receive your orders on time since you made the request more prior. This eliminates the last-minute rush.

Time every task

Another way to get organized is to make sure you time your tasks appropriately. Such that if you are to complete a presentation project in an hour, you get it done by then. But you must always have extra time aside in case of interruptions, which can be inevitable sometimes. The time table should be incorporated in your daily to-do list for easy reading.

Prioritize your tasks

You also need to arrange your weekly tasks in rank from the urgent to the least compelling. That way, you get to accomplish your tasks accordingly. One smart way to do this is to assign colors to the jobs you place on your calendar template. Red for urgent, green for neutral and yellow for not immediate.

Keep records of your past work

Lastly, you should keep a record of your weekly schedule plans. These records will give you a better insight into future planning. Through the sheets, you will be able to see which tasks need reassignments and which do not. This will eventually motivate you to utilize time better in the future.


One thing to keep in mind is to be disciplined and follow your schedule; otherwise, the system will be useless. If you do, you will realize you get work done in time, and nothing is left unattended. Every stone turned, every business attended to!

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