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5 Tips to Help You Achieve Profits You Desire

No matter what stage you’re in of your business, there are ways that you can gain the profits you want. Early stages of business can mean that you don’t have a lot of resources to get your business to grow. There are many people who have started with nothing and ended up making big profit. Resources aren’t the be all, end all method of growth and success. If you have an e-commerce company, you are at an even better advantage. This, of course, is all thanks to the many apps and platforms that make running an online business more efficient. You may need to be more creative and have more patience without resources and a lot of money to back you. Here are a few tips to help you get the kind of money you want out of your business.



1. The Power of the Email Subscription List

Reports from Adobe have found that 98% of millennials look at their personal email multiple times per day. Email marketing still reigns supreme when it comes to engaging with your customers. If they have already subscribed to your email list, they are loyal to you. So build your list and present an email marketing campaign that is perfectly executed. If you have an e-commerce store, this is key. Successful campaigns can give you much better sales. This has been proven time and time again.

The best style of email marketing is known as the drip campaign. You want to give them high quality content with awesome templates that will engage the reader. You’ve got to be consistent (but don’t overwhelm people either). If you’ve been putting out content on your site, you can reuse this information and turn it into an email. You just need to change the format. You know customers already like this info or they wouldn’t have signed up for the emails in the first place.

Treat your email subscribers with a lot of respect. They should be considered your top leads. Give them what they need and offer incentives, deals, and a lot of valuable information. To ensure that your emails are being read, make sure to track the open rates. Analyze these open rates so you know what is more popular and work with that information. This will get you more optimized content that people are more likely to read and engage with.

2. Hit the Right Target

It is far better to have a target market than trying to capture everybody’s attention. The more people you’re trying to reach, the more it’s going to cost you. It’s just not streamlined enough. You may be paying for an audience that has no interest in what you’re selling. Know who your audience is and give all your love and attention to them. This is going to cost you less and you then just cater your products to one audience. Being really specific about who your customers are means spending less on all fronts with better effect.

3. Building Your Community on Social Media

Social media really is the go-to if you don’t have a lot of money to spend but are trying to grow awareness and loyalty. It takes a lot of work, but you save money doing things this way and you have your hand on the pulse of what your audience responds to. You can easily create community and culture. When you create loyal customers, you’re far more likely to get sales. Actually, a loyal customer is going to spend more, because they have an emotional connection to your brand. You have to be constantly engaging with your following and giving them value. Think relevant information to their problems, giveaways, and contests.

4. Analyze Data and Make Changes

As a business owner, you can find out everything you need to know about successful campaigns through data. There is no reason to fly blindly on what helps your business succeed. You should test from the very beginning and do it often. If you make choices based on what data is telling you about consumer engagement and sales, you avoid wasting a lot of money and time on things that aren’t working.

You don’t have to pay a lot to use important data. There are platforms that track what your consumers are doing and how they’re reacting to your various forms of communication. Google Analytics is just one of the best resources you can use to better know your customer base. It’s quite a meaty application, so it could take some time to understand it. Well worth the effort however, because you can really come to understand what makes your potential customers tick.

5. Use Cost-Effective Marketing Strategies

Starting small in ways that have been found effective is a good way to produce Return on Investment (ROI) without spending a lot. Start by creating a blog and posting on it often. It doesn’t cost much, but it has been a proven way of engaging with an audience. This isn’t exactly going to make you money in the beginning, as it’s more a way of planting seeds for the future.

You may want to produce a paid ad campaign that is sure to work. There are many tricks out there to get fast growth across any platform. Strategy will deeply matter, doing experiments, and then creating engaging content. Do keep in mind that visual content matters in 2020. Surveys have found that 78% of businesses are getting more traffic by way of video content on their sites. If you have a phone, an app to edit videos, and some artistic ability, you can upload a compelling video and get more traffic.

What you post needs to be really high quality no matter what it is. That’s fine too, because you can always repurpose your content. This is an easy way to maintain your brand, and it takes less work. It’s truly worth it to put some thought into content before it’s released, because you will be using it again.

These tools are sure to get you the profits you want to achieve without spending a lot of money to get there. Yes, it takes time, but these methods are tried, tested, and true. We’ve talked plenty about the importance of utilizing apps and platforms. However, there is an old fashioned way of being successful and that’s the concept of amazing customer service. No matter how great your advertising is, if your customer service lets people down, they won’t come back. This is everything from site navigation to how easy it is to get help when they need it. If you work with these practices in mind, you can achieve your business goals. Be patient and be diligent.

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Loraine Couturier
Staff writer: Loraine Couturier is a jet set writing chick from Canada that travels around the globe. Her writing and marketing skills are what keeps her eating exotic meals and jumping on planes. Loraine loves writing about pretty much anything and likes to pass on the knowledge she has to others. Visit her at https://www.facebook.com/jetsetwritingchick

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Staff writer: Loraine Couturier is a jet set writing chick from Canada that travels around the globe. Her writing and marketing skills are what keeps her eating exotic meals and jumping on planes. Loraine loves writing about pretty much anything and likes to pass on the knowledge she has to others. Visit her at https://www.facebook.com/jetsetwritingchick

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