A few months ago, we dedicated an entire week to increasing your personal and institutional productivity. On the Facebook page, we posted articles, pins, resources, quotes, and we even counted down the top productivity books for entrepreneurs. Since there was such a great response and many of you have still wondered about the best ways to increase productivity, we decided to list the most popular articles that were posted during Productivity Week. Enjoy!
[Video] 5 Apps Every Entrepreneur Needs to Stay Organized
You don’t need to be the most organized person in the world in order to run your business effectively. But it helps. Luckily, if your desk is a mess and the post-it notes you have stuck to your iMac screen aren’t enough to keep you in line,Entrepreneur magazine was kind enough to produce a short video of the 5 best apps every entrepreneurs needs to stay organized. If you don’t have time to view the video, here is a list of the apps featured:……
[Video] 5 Things You Should be Doing to Have an Insanely Productive Week
A lot goes into a week for every entrepreneur. We try our best to try to be efficient and productive. Sometimes we’re successful, sometimes we crash and burn. It’s also difficult to know what we should be doing weekly so that we our getting the most out of our work week.
Thankfully, Entrepreneur Magazine has published a short video to remind us of what it takes to make a productive happen. If you don’t have time to watch the video (you may be booking yourself too tight) here is a quick rundown:…….
6 Ways to Improve Productivity While Working from Home
I hear it all the time. “Amy, you are so lucky to be able to work from home.” Or, “It’s so convenient that you can do your work from your laptop…wherever you are.”
There’s a major misconception out there about us kindly folks who work from home. Until you are deep in the trenches of self-employment, working from home, you probably won’t understand. It is very easy to think that working from home means that you can vacation whenever you want, take time off, keep the house in perfect order, cook a fabulous dinner each night, run errands, and earn a living all in the course of a single day. I’m here today to tell you that that notion isn’t true. Working from home is hard. Very hard………
[Video] 5 Proven Methods to Beat Procrastination
Even the most productive and motivated individuals have their battles with the beast of procrastination. One of the worst things about putting things off, is the guilt and regret that follows.
We’ve found a short Business Insider video that breaks down the 5 steps anyone can take to beat procrastination. If you’re a chronic procrastinator, you’re probably thinking about watching this video later. We understand. Here is a short breakdown of the 5 steps outlined in the video.
Digital Distractions: How to Stop Facebook, Twitter, and Technology from Stealing Your Time
You have a ton of things to do but for some reason, you are fascinated by what people are posting on instagram, where your friends are eating dinner, and the latest rant from @KimKardasian on Twitter.
You know there has to be a better way to spend your free time but you cannot seem to stop yourself from being distracted.
Well, you’ve come to right place. Our easy access to information and entertainment has made it hard for us to focus on other things. This post is designed to help you limit or completely eliminate the digital distractions in your life. Many of these tips will not only limit how much you are online but will help you stay focused on the tasks at hand. Let’s get started……
How Entrepreneurs Can Make the Most of Their Morning Hours
Productivity is an integral thing. Ask any worker around what the most challenging aspect of their job is. Chances are a majority will list lack of productivity as a real deal-breaker. It takes so much effort for them to be productive, especially at the start of the day. Entrepreneurs also suffer from the funk, like the ‘regular’ people.
But fret not for there are ways that can make productivity a truly natural thing for entrepreneurs. There’s no big secret here, just some simple common sense tips to fire up your neurons in the morning and let you make the most of your early hours. Here are some of the tips:…..