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Top 10 Productivity Books for Entrepreneurs

10. The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results

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We often have a long list of daily to-do’s we create. With everything on our lists crying for our attention, how many of them, if completed, would really make the most impact on your life or business. This book is both insightful and contains advice that you can apply immediately to begin the process of being ultra-productive and effective.


9. Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life

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Technology has been great for us but the unfortunate side effect is the amount of attention and distractions it creates. With a good mix of well-researched explanations of the distraction problem as well as actionable solutions, this book is a must if you have found that distractions rob you of your productivity.



8. Atomic Habits

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This book is an easy read and great for anyone wanting to make a personal change to their lives and habits. The only reason why we are not ranking this book higher on the list is that the book is great but, in our opinion, there is another habit book that is slightly more groundbreaking (keep reading to see that book).



7. The Power of Full Engagement

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This book is great because it focuses on energy management instead of time management. We entrepreneurs tend to want to do it all. This book offers ways we can do it all without burning out. The authors take lessons from athletes who train and recover during the off-season to become stronger, faster, and better, and apply those principles to people in business. Check it out!



 6. Manage Your Day-to-Day  

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If you want an easy read that has really good productivity strategies, this book is it. This book is quick, easy, and has flashes of inspiration and motivation. Worth reading!


5. 18 Minutes  

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This  is a book we love! “18 Minutes” is a book that takes a stance of Life Management instead of time management. The book focuses on cutting clutter, removing distractions, and increasing focus. Read it!


  4. Eat That Frog

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The #4 book on our list of “top productivity books for entrepreneurs” is a book that we refer to often. “Eat That Frog” attacks the issue of procrastination and teaches ways to demolish your to do list. If you had to eat a frog first thing in the morning, everything else that day doesn’t seem so hard. Great read for those of you who tend to put important things off. Highly recommended!

3.  The Power of Habit

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The #3 book on our list of top productivity books for entrepreneurs is a book we’ve recommended before. Shame on you if you haven’t read it yet. This book is brilliant because it looks at the habits of individuals and organizations and explains how to change those habits. We’ve applied many of the habit forming principles in this book to our businesses and lives and they absolutely work. If there is a single bad habit or inefficiency in your personal life or organizational process, you have to get this book. A must read!

2.  Getting Things Done

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The #2 book on our list of the top productivity books for entrepreneurs (we bet you thought this was going to be #1) is Getting Things Done by David Allen. This is a bestseller that is famous for its rich productivity and time management content. Getting things done is great for entrepreneurs because our businesses are only as productive as we are. A must have for your library.

1.  4-Hour Work Week

And the #1 book on our list of the top productivity books for entrepreneurs is “The 4 Hour Work Week. Probably the most relevant book for entrepreneurs in the last 15 years. If you haven’t read this yet, READ IT! It will open your eyes and help you see ways to run a business better, outsource tasks, and create more time to actually enjoy life. All while generating more revenue. A must read for entrepreneurs but good for those who just want to earn side income.

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Ralph Paul
Ralph is the Managing Editor at StartUp Mindset. The StartUp Mindset team consists of dedicated individuals and is designed to help new, seasoned, and aspiring entrepreneurs succeed.

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Ralph is the Managing Editor at StartUp Mindset. The StartUp Mindset team consists of dedicated individuals and is designed to help new, seasoned, and aspiring entrepreneurs succeed.

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