High-Touch vs Low-Touch Business Models: The Differences Between the Two Engagement Models
When starting a business, entrepreneurs need to decide how they want to run their business. This includes things like which products they want to sell, how they want to position their brand, and what type of customers they [..]
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9 Key Personal Trainer Target Markets
Most people who value their health want to be in better shape or want to maintain their current level of fitness. This is something they can do on their own, of course. However, many would prefer to have the expertise of a [..]
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How to Announce Your New Business to Family and Friends
Are you starting a new business? Congratulations! This is exciting news.
Now that you’ve started your business, it’s time to announce it to the world. But where should you start? Maybe you should start with the [..]
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How to Create More Specific Business Goals
1 year ago
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Take a moment and ask yourself “What are my business goals?” Now, ask yourself if you think you will reach those goals, when you will reach them, and how you know you’ve reached them. If you’re having [..]
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9 Products That Sell the Best During a Recession
When the economy struggles, and people begin to pinch their their hard-earned pennies, there are some products that stand their ground amid turbulent times. While other products go stagnant in sales, there are a few [..]
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The High Touch Business Model and How it Works
As an entrepreneur, you’ve most likely established your startup having recognized a gap in the market. Or perhaps you’ve identified the opportunity to introduce a unique product or service that your [..]
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The Beauty Salon Business Model: Types, Advantages and Disadvantages
1 year ago
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For many people, a trip to a beauty salon is something to look forward to. Many people love the idea of going someplace to improve their looks, feel better about themselves, and socialize with others. Centuries ago, beauty [..]
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Macromarketing: What It Is and How It Works
1 year ago
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For a business to succeed, it needs to understand which marketing strategies best suit their brand and support their goals. This means deciding which marketing channels to utilize. It also means deciding which marketing [..]
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5 Key Goals for a Gas Station Business
Most people view gas stations as a simple type of business that is needed by the general public. Many people do not understand the complexities and thoughts that go into running a successful gas station business. You may [..]
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When to Consider Product-Incentive Crowdfunding Model for Your Business
The crowdfunding business model is a way for businesses and startups to seek support from individuals within their niche. It offers financial backing in smaller increments, thus building a community of individuals who [..]
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