How to Trigger Your Mind In Order to Access Its Full Potential
Have you ever wondered what exactly makes people be passionate about extreme sports? Why there are so many who master the art of base jumping, free soloing, volcano [..]
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Why Entrepreneurs Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Making a Mistake
Let me set the scene for you. It’s a few days before Christmas, my husband and I are en route to visit family in our home state of Indiana. It’s a long haul from North Dakota, so we stop over at a hotel for the [..]
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How to Stop Big Egos From Destroying Your Startup
Strong personalities are common in a startup environment. I asked a good friend of mine, who is a co-founder of a startup in SanFran, to tell me three key things I should know about breaking into the tech startup space. He [..]
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5 Realities to Face Before You Become an Entrepreneur
Making the decision to become an entrepreneur should be well-thought and planned. Sure, the idea of being your own boss can bring satisfaction and increase your drive to transition from being an employee to an employer. [..]
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7 Habits of Unsuccessful Entrepreneurs
So we’re going to look at some key habits that you may be doing that are keeping you and your business from success.
1. The Habit of Blaming Others for Their Failures
Unsuccessful entrepreneurs blame other [..]
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10 Tips for Growing Your Professional Circle Without Networking Meetings
When someone tells me that an event could be a “…good networking opportunity…” my palms get sweaty and I feel a little sick to my stomach. I’ve never been good at schmoozing or selling things [..]
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[Video] How to Manage Time With 10 Tips That Work
9 years ago
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Time management has always been the ally and nemesis of every achiever. On the one hand, if time is managed efficiently, things get done, customers are happy, and your business grows. On the other hand, if you don’t [..]
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[Video] 8 Daily Habits That Will Raise Your Game
9 years ago
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Changing your daily habits can make the difference in your workday. Using the most of the time you are given each day can transform the outcome of your day. In this video, you will learn 8 [..]
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7 Obstacles Stopping You From Getting Things Done
You want to be productive. You want to carpe diem. You want to knock things out of the park.
However, something is stopping you. In fact, there are a few things that are stopping you, but
you can’t quite put [..]
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10 Entrepreneurial Superpowers You Should Be Developing
1. Super Vision
This superpower is the ability to see what others don’t and to focus on it. Casting a vision is the most important part of running a business. The business goes where your vision takes it. [..]
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