How to Make Time For Relaxation When You’re Working Too Hard
As an entrepreneur, especially if you’re just starting out, relaxation may be one of the last things on your mind but the fact is everyone needs some downtime, especially if you have a hectic working life. Relaxation [..]
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How to Make Tough Decisions Even If You’re Terrified of the Outcome
I could begin by making a statement and proposing that everything in this life is a choice, although many, with just cause, might disagree. But I don’t want to lose much time with absolutes, because the answer [..]
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Why the Path to Organizational Growth Begins with Individual Growth
8 years ago
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A successful entrepreneurial enterprise is more than an innovative or disruptive idea. Success in the enterprise context is about building basic infrastructure to act as a mechanism to convert ideas into value. Peter [..]
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Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made? Many Experts Have Different Views
Since 1985, classes on entrepreneurship at the university level have increased 20x in the US, which poses the question: Are entrepreneurs born or made?
Brian Morgan, professor of entrepreneurship at Cardiff Metropolitan [..]
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5 Ways to Generate New and Innovative Ideas for Your Business
Innovation is not a personality trait most are born with, it needs to be cultivated through practice. By opening your mind and thinking differently, you come up with ideas that maybe nobody has thought of before. You may [..]
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7 Best Ways to Prioritize Your Time
On any given day, you have a lot of work to get done. Your workload feels like it’s stacked to the ceiling and it puts you under enough stress that you can’t think straight. This is a familiar feeling for [..]
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Too Young or Too Old: Why Entrepreneurship Is Becoming Ageless
Earlier this month I impulsively bought a ticket to go see Stevie Nicks and the Pretenders live. I was going to watch two of rock’s most iconic female power-houses and I couldn’t believe it. As I prepared [..]
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How Employees Can Begin Their Transition to Entrepreneurship
It feels like everyone is talking about becoming an entrepreneur. Given a chance, would you like to become one? If the opportunity presents itself, do you grab or let it go?
Starting a business is not a big deal. It is [..]
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Developing Patience and Commitment In a World Full of Distractions
8 years ago
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We live in a world where food is fast; information is fleeting, and time is money. There is no doubt then, that the notion of instant gratification is as much a part of this generation as Snapchat and Facebook.
In our [..]
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4 Health Habits Busy Entrepreneurs Need to Try
When it comes to success, many entrepreneurs and visionaries agree that working hard and staying on top of trends is not enough. Taking care of your body and developing healthy day to day habits are essential to looking, [..]
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