4 Important Tips that are Essential in Creating Marketing Videos that Perform Great
8 years ago
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As the most powerful medium of marketing, videos occupy a special place on social media, websites, and various other platforms. Overall videos are able to generate more views, higher engagement, and better [..]
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Universities Are Starting Programs to Help Student and Non-Student Entrepreneurs Succeed
8 years ago
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Universities and colleges around the world have become hubs for entrepreneurs looking to find guidance and resources to help them develop their business initiatives and make them profitable. With the abundant access to [..]
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Millennials Aren’t As Entrepreneurial As Once Thought. Here’s Why.
Millennials. Generation Y. Digital Natives. Generation Rent. Echo Boomers. The Me Me Me Generation. Chances are if you’ve read an article about customer engagement or entrepreneurship in the last few years, [..]
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[Video] Success Will Never Come to Entrepreneurs Who Do These 10 Things
Unsuccessful entrepreneurs tend to have the same, limited, habits in common. They seem to do things that are counterproductive to their success but often wonder why they cannot seem to get ahead. Many aspiring [..]
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How Your Childhood Crushed Your Confidence and How to Get it Back
Imagine if we got together and talked about bit and pieces of our personal lives, in particular, how we were raised. What would we be talking about? I suppose some would have fond memories, but not everyone had a happy [..]
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Lessons to Learn From 5 Influential Historical Figures
The brilliant Mary Oliver once wrote, “The patterns of our lives reveal us. Our habits measure us”. Our daily routines and habits undoubtedly give shape and purpose to our inner lives and are likely the reason [..]
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Too Young or Too Old: Why Entrepreneurship Is Becoming Ageless
Earlier this month I impulsively bought a ticket to go see Stevie Nicks and the Pretenders live. I was going to watch two of rock’s most iconic female power-houses and I couldn’t believe it. As I prepared [..]
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Your Employees Are Afraid To Trust You and It’s Costing You Money
I’ve been in management and leadership for nearly 15 years now. I’ve managed big teams, small teams, highly educated teams, and those that were lesser so. I’ve managed racially and gender diverse teams and [..]
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5 Ways to Keep a “Big Picture” Strategy While Operating On a Day-to-Day Basis
Your first year as a startup can set the course for the ultimate failure or success of your business. This one year mark looms large as a major milestone for success, but the first year of operations is just that, your first [..]
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5 Inspiring Women Entrepreneurs That Are Changing the Game
8 years ago
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Breaking in like thunder, women across the globe are sending out messages that can no longer be easily dismissed. Once again we are entering a period in time where certain values and norms are being questioned, and 2016 has [..]
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