Think Outside the Box: 5 Creative Thinking Strategies to Grow Your Company
We were all born with an intrinsic creative compass. Children approach their environment with curiosity, a sense of wonder, and a desire to learn about the world around them. The Torrance Test of [..]
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Mastering the Arts of Music and Business: Interview with Stadiumred Founder Claude Zdanow
6 years ago
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Making it in the entertainment industry is difficult. And being an entrepreneur in the entertainment industry can be especially challenging. Claude Zdanow understands all of these challenges [..]
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How to Draw Attention to Your Talents and Turn Them Into a Successful Business
So you’ve got a great business idea. You are doing something that people want. You have a great talent that you want to share with the world. You’re sure people are going to love it. You may not quite know how [..]
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10 Top Franchises for Under $25,000
Deciding to open a franchise can be a scary and difficult decision. If you are still waiting for your own big idea, opening a franchise can be an excellent way to become involved in a business and understand how it truly [..]
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3 Reasons Why Brick and Mortar Stores Will Never Go Out of Style
Once a month I spend a morning having coffee and breakfast with my friend at her house — we’ve found it’s easier than trying to wrangle her toddler and infant into a restaurant and keep them entertained. [..]
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5 Street-Smart Tips to Overcome Self-doubt as an Entrepreneur
6 years ago
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As a writer, mother, and bootstrapping queen (trust me I’ve built everything from scratch with just pixie dust and a smile), I have a Ph.D. in battling the gremlin better known as self-doubt!
Raising a family, writing [..]
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5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Give Back
6 years ago
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When you are just starting out, it may seem like the last thing on your mind is to spend the little time and funds you have on giving back. However, new trends are pointing to generosity as the new marketing. In an era where [..]
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10 Things You Need Before You Start Your Business
As much as we may wish the opposite were true, you simply cannot start a small business overnight. It’s a long, drawn out process with scores of intricate, moving parts. What’s more, many of those [..]
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3 Natural Productivity Hacks That Will Save You Time And Money: It’s not what you’re thinking
Productivity apps that are supposedly guaranteed to make you a high performer on steroids are a dime a dozen. There are so many apps to choose from, both free and paid. Have you noticed?
I’m guessing you have at least [..]
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20 Books Entrepreneurs Should Read When they Need Motivation
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“The more you read, the more things you will [..]
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