13 Brands That Are Using “Nostalgia Marketing” and Why It’s Working Brilliantly.
When I heard about the re-release of the classic Nokia 3310 phone (in select markets), a wave of nostalgia engulfed me. I was reminded of simpler times when my face didn’t cringe at the prospect of an incoming phone [..]
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How to Master Digital Marketing for Your Business
6 years ago
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“Digital marketing.” Say it; how do you feel? Anxious? Confused? Unclear? Sounds about right. In the ever-changing tech and digital landscape, it can be overwhelming to try and understand what, [..]
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4 Countries that are Hidden Gems When it Comes to Building an Online Business
There are a lot of businesses out there that are designed for doing remotely. That’s because there are a lot of nomadic souls who don’t want to be in one spot. We go where the warm weather and culture is. There [..]
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Interview with Edmonton’s Glen McKay: Essential Traits of the Modern Entrepreneur
Glen McKay is an entrepreneur and businessman with more than forty years of business leadership experience. Based in Edmonton, Alberta, as well as Newfoundland and Labrador, Glen serves as the chair of the board of [..]
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An Introvert’s Guide to Networking: 6 Tips to Make It Much Easier
6 years ago
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Networking. To some, the thought evokes excitement — fancy dinners, cocktail parties, lively conventions, and the chance to meet all the right people. To others, it’s practically a nightmare — crowded [..]
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5 Reasons Why Successful Entrepreneurs Are Pursuing Higher Education
6 years ago
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Successful entrepreneurship is a rare gem in the world of modern business where only one in every ten people makes it. Aspiring entrepreneurs have that dimming statistic at the back of their mind. Some of the challenges that [..]
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Workflow Rehab: 5 Steps to Cut Waste From Your Workflow
Every job has a workflow and routine. Workflow can broadly be understood as the coordination of tasks within a process. Generally, routines form around the way workers structure their day, and workflow forms around the way [..]
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How To Give Effective Constructive Criticism
As your business begins to grow, you might take on the role of management. Offering practical, constructive criticism is an essential part of managing others, but is something that many people put off. Being able to [..]
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5 Things You’re Responsible for As the Founder and CEO of your Company
With great power comes great responsibility. This should be the slogan for any company founder or CEO in the business world. You have the ultimate control over the company and its future endeavors. While having that power [..]
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Thoughts from Winnipeg’s Tom Haughton: What Makes Better Business Leaders
If the old mantra that “people don’t quit jobs, they quit managers” is true, then becoming a better leader is key to the success of every business. Job stability, an enjoyable work space and a fulfilling [..]
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