Low Social Media Engagement Is a Problem: Here Is How to Fix It
Social media, in recent years, has become part of our daily lives and a great influencer in many customers’ decisions. Platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube have proven to be useful as a tool for small [..]
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4 Digital Marketing Strategies You Should Be Using By Now
We’re at a point in digital where “digital marketing” no longer really stands on its own as a separate, unknown entity. We live in an increasingly digitally focused society and as a result, digital [..]
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45 Customer Focused Social Media Post Ideas
A successful business knows and interacts with its customer base. That may mean you have lots of face to face time with customers in a brick-and-mortar store front, but in our age of digital relationships, it also means you [..]
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How to Effectively Manage Your Online Reputation
While there once was a time when business owners and their community only interacted via commerce; a time when the company released their product and the consumer interacted by purchasing or holding their purse; however, the [..]
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How Participating in Philanthropy Can Positively Affect Your Business
Now, more than ever, startups and business owners are looking to incorporate charitable giving and philanthropy into their business models. Rather than viewing charitable giving as a drop in profits, businesses are reframing [..]
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4 Steps to Generate Leads with Pinterest
Are you a Master Pinner?
You may not think so, but I can assure you that you are closer to grasping the art of Pinterest than you may think.
We’ve all done it. Whether you are planning for a wedding and need of ideas [..]
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How to Start a Blog in 15 Minutes
If you’re reading this, you’ve probably thought about starting a blog for yourself or your business. Blogs have become a tried a true way to get a message out to the world in dynamic fashion. [..]
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How Much Should You Spend on Social Media Marketing?
The old saying is true when it comes to marketing, it does take money to make money. Effective marketing strategies will increase your brand awareness and recognition and drive sales. While marketers have known that social [..]
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How to Create Your Ideal Social Circle
“Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are”
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with”
You have probably heard or read these phrases countless times. [..]
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6 Ways to Write Headlines that Get More Attention on Social Media
If you’ve created a high-quality article, video or images that took hours of your time, you really hope that it will engage your readers. Here’s the scenario. You excitedly click “post” and [..]
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