Purpose-driven campaigns are long-term initiatives and not just marketing strategies. With the wave of the new generation and the rise of socio-political and environmental issues that we face, consumers are starting to be conscious of the said issues.
Tom’s – a footwear and apparel company – is one of the front-runners in a business model that supports a purpose-driven initiative. Tom’s success reflects the impact of purpose-driven initiatives on the consumers and their beliefs. Tom’s is a classic illustration that consumers are willing to support a business they have a shared belief with. The company became known for its one-for-one campaign. The simple message behind the business model easily captured the hearts of their consumers.
Authenticity among companies is becoming valuable in modern society. One of our beloved delectable ice cream brands, Ben & Jerry’s, is a testament that keeping the company’s value and purpose at the center of the business model leads to longevity and sustainability. Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, founders of Ben & Jerry’s, remained loyal to their values and beliefs. Once their small ice cream shop took off and became a million-dollar company, the two sensed that having a large-scale business has turned them into instruments in the profit-centric economy. But, instead of turning their backs in this challenge, the two decided to prioritize the welfare of their employees and the community while still earning profit.
Even after the acquisition of Unilever, Ben & Jerry’s remained faithful to voice their support in different socio-political and environmental issues. Save our swirled is a campaign they promoted to raise their opinion on climate change. “If it’s melted, it’s ruined” is a statement that hits on the grave effects of climate change on glaciers. They have also shown support for LGBTQ+ rights.
On the same note, Uniliver is also gearing towards a purpose-driven campaign. A recent example is their #UseScienceNotAnimals and #EndAnimalTesting Campaign. In recent years, consumers are starting to become aware of how the cosmetic industry are using animals like rabbits as test subjects for all sort of cosmetic products. Many are taking a stand against such practices given that there are alternative ways to the said process. Unilever is one of the top companies that voice their support against animal testing.
Patagonia’s The New Localism campaign is a refreshing take on activism in marketing. Patagonia was able to showcase what they – as a company – embodied with regards to the different social and environmental issues the communities are facing. In the series of documentaries, Patagonia was able to raise awareness on issues such as the adverse effects of offshore drilling and oil spill on beaches and other bodies of water.
Purpose-driven marketing content will continue to increase. Here are reasons why companies are shifting to purpose-driven campaigns:
1. A Conscious Generation
GenZ is a relatively young generation. Although GenZ is quite young, they already hold a great influence on companies and their decision-making process. In 2018, it was recorded that GenZ’s had a direct and indirect influence on spending that amounted to 143 billion. They were also regarded as a generation that is well aware and informed about the existing socio-political and environmental issues that currently exist.
Both Millenials and Genz are keen on brands that are authentic and transparent. In an article, 42% of millennials opt for brands that have a significant contribution to the positive impact on society and the environment. Consumers also tend to consume content that has meaning and purpose.
In addition, 63% of surveyed global consumers prefer brands that reflect the same values and beliefs they share.
2. Growing Awareness of Consumers
The information age has been a significant factor in increasing social and environmental awareness. Technology has made information accessible. Every day people are consuming thousands of content from different websites and social media platforms. In the same manner, content that raises awareness on numerous societal issues – environmental and socio-political issues are also increasing.
The New Localism is a perfect example of well-received content that presents the actual issues communities are facing. The good reception of these media and content motivates more people to produce contents that embody values and beliefs.
In addition, the advancement in technology has made it easier for anyone to produce or share purpose-driven content.
3. Social Change and the Rise of Natural Disasters
During the social and racial tension in America sparked by the murder of George Floyd by a police officer, many brands such as Amazon and Nike made their support of the Black Community clear in their marketing. Since that time, many brands such as Target, Allstate, Best Buy and many more, have showed support for Juneteenth. Many other companies have allocated resources to provide financial support to organizations that also help Black and minority people.
Climate Change is real problem, and we are currently facing its adverse effects on our planet. It has been recorded that there had been 7,348 disasters that occurred worldwide in just the span of the last two decades. Millions of people had suffered due to the yearly disasters brought by the aftermath of climate change on our environment. Most companies learned to acknowledge that they need to show their support to people. Moreover, people are rising to protest against companies that are remaining silent on these matters. Since in reality, most companies are the leading contributors to climate change.
Amidst the disasters, Many companies are using their campaigns to raise awareness, spark a change, and spread a sense of hope. Being sensitive upon the strike of a disaster is majorly paramount to the people who were affected. However, it is essential to make authentic campaigns relevant to what the company truly believes and stands for.
The world is changing. As the new generations rise, the shift in their lifestyle, beliefs, and buying patterns is imminent. Keeping up with the changes is also essential in the life cycle of these companies. Purpose-driven campaigns are on the rise because it reflects what the consumers today upholds as value.
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