5 Ways to Stop Your Smartphone Addiction From Paralyzing Your Effectiveness
Our world has a new addiction. This addiction is one that is highly accepted in most restaurants, homes, hospitals, or while we are visiting friends or family. There has been tragedy by its hand, and many conversations have [..]
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9 Sleep Routines of Powerful Leaders: How Does Yours Measure Up Next to Theirs?
8 years ago
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We sometimes underestimate one of life’s greatest joys and attributes. For some, sleep is seen as a waste of time that one can easily push aside until their eyelids can no longer stay open. “I will sleep when [..]
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How to Save Money as an Entrepreneur
Owning and operating your own small business is an accounting feat in and of itself. Balancing the books, juggling payments and payroll, and making ends meet can be difficult for even the most financially savvy owner. With [..]
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30 Quotes to Remember When You Need Some Encouragement
If you are a business leader or entrepreneur then you know all the emotional facets of the workforce: success, failures, perseverance, setting goals and achieving your dreams. For every person who has felt those aspirations, [..]
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How Leaders Can Battle Depression and Overcome the Condition
Depression. A condition that affects 350 million people in the world. For an illness that causes so much strife, it is amazing that it has only started getting more spotlight in our present day. With the rise of social media [..]
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8 Easy Habits That Will Transform Your Productivity
Being productive is essential to becoming a successful entrepreneur. Creating productivity habits is the key to becoming productive, because habits are automatic, and we do not expend too much energy on doing them.
So while [..]
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[Video] 20 Quick Tips for Better Time Management
Whether you are a entrepreneur, employee or stay at home mom, your time is valuable. Even with all of the advances in technology it still seems as though we do not have enough hours in the day.
The good news is that [..]
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Why Listening to Constructive Criticism is Essential For Being Successful
We all know the pain of receiving constructive criticism, the idea that the process, or the way we may have designed something, isn’t as perfect as we thought it was. I have been there, many times, where I think what [..]
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10 Ways to Build Belief in Yourself So You Can Continue Going Strong
Starting and running a business on your own takes balls. Whether it’s running a big company or working as a solo freelancer, the only one able to make it a success is you. There’s no one to hold your hand or [..]
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How to Continue Educating Yourself Without Going Back to School
I love school. I’ll be the first to admit it, I’d be a professional student if the idea of piling on debt wasn’t so unappealing given the current economic and political climate. Studying for hours on [..]
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