How to Stay Ahead of the Competition
In a business world, competition is one thing that cannot be overlooked. There is a high possibility that your business is not the monopoly in the market as there are many other businesses that have the same product as you [..]
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7 Things Every Marketing Plan Should Have
A marketing plan is a blueprint that maps out the advertising efforts that a company will perform during the year. This plan indicates the business processes that are going to be performed so as to achieve set marketing [..]
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5 Ways Startups Can Build Business Credit
Before I was an entrepreneur, I was a Business Banker for a large financial institution. Doing the job for years, I sat across from many business owners that focused so much on their businesses that the basic [..]
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How to Raise Prices Without Losing Customers
Why is it that Netflix can announce a slight price increase and the majority of people shrug it away but if the price of a loaf of bread goes up, the masses are ready to riot in the streets? It may have to do [..]
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5 Secrets to Staying Stress-Free As a New Entrepreneur
New entrepreneurs at some point or another have to come the stark realization that their future and livelihood, all depend on their ability to turn their ideas into profits. The thought and process of that can make some [..]
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No Money, No Problem: 10 Businesses You Can Start Today With No Money
Is it possible to build a business with nothing but your talent, skills, and maybe a few things that you already have lying around the house? The answer, a resounding “YUP”!Its been said that to make [..]
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7 Vital Qualities to Implement So Your Business Can Thrive
When you are about to start a business or even think of expanding your base, the first question to answer is why you want to do it. Of course, the answer is because you want to be that way and be successful.
The second [..]
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Are You the Next Mark Zuckerberg? Then Canada Wants You: Canada Issuing Startup-Visas to Future Billionaire Entrepreneurs
10 years ago
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It is almost impossible to get a work permit from the United States of America if you were not born in Canada or Mexico. Twitter (TWTR) and LinkedIn (LNKD) cannot hire all the cheaper foreign software developers they need [..]
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