How to Create Your Unique Selling Proposition
When it comes to running a business there are a million and one things you need to get right. Yet, even when you have all the major pieces in place like your website, accounting, customer service, and content marketing, you [..]
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12 Books for Ambitious Women Entrepreneurs
There’s nothing better than getting lost in a good book. In our world of constant connection to media and information, sitting back and immersing yourself in a book is a luxury that we can all find time for. [..]
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Our New Book “The Part-Time Entrepreneur” Is Launching Next Week. Here’s How to Get It For Only $3.99
8 years ago
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Aaron Patzer, who is the founder of the hugely successful finance website, once advised a group of Princeton University students that it may be a good idea to drop out of college, and throw yourself into your [..]
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4 Digital Marketing Strategies You Should Be Using By Now
We’re at a point in digital where “digital marketing” no longer really stands on its own as a separate, unknown entity. We live in an increasingly digitally focused society and as a result, digital [..]
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45 Customer Focused Social Media Post Ideas
A successful business knows and interacts with its customer base. That may mean you have lots of face to face time with customers in a brick-and-mortar store front, but in our age of digital relationships, it also means you [..]
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How to Build Trust in Your Company and Your Brand
Trust. It’s word we all know well. While it may be easy to say, it’s just as easy to lose. As someone who is in the workforce, it is essential in building a trusting relationship that can hold steadfast through [..]
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The Importance of Mastering Small Talk In a World of Digital Communication
I took the liberty of looking up the actual definition of “small talk,” just to get a better idea of how something so habitual to our lives has garnered such a bad reputation. It turns out, it’s had one [..]
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Focus on the Un-Scalable: 3 Lessons of Growth from AirBnB
150 million guests. 65,000 cities. 191 countries. 3 million listings (of which 1,400 are castles!).
When we talk about growth and scale, few companies rival AirBnB. In less than ten years, AirBnB has achieved all of the [..]
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The Value of Data Science Applied to Your Customer Base
Big-Data has become a trending topic over the last few years, and the field of data science is growing exponentially. Still though, professionals in the field remain scarce, and while those few experts are kicking open [..]
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5 Questions to Ask Yourself to Ensure That You Are Customer Centered
A business’s main objective is to serve a customer. I know it’s very obvious, but really—when you boil it down, a business does something. The “something” could be anything. Selling a [..]
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