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How to Start a Social Media Management Business

Right now might be the perfect time for you to start your own business. What better business to be in than helping other small business owners and brands manage their social media with your own agency.

This wasn’t as important a few years ago, but managing social media becomes increasingly trickier as life returns to normal. Many companies do not have the time, knowledge, or personnel to manage their social media platforms adequately.  This is where you and your social media management business come into the picture.

What is Social Media Management?

Social media management covers the process of managing someone’s online presence by strategically analyzing audiences, creating and scheduling content for their profiles, monitoring performance, arranging collaborations with social media influencers, etc., to create opportunities for growth in the number of followers and increase income using marketing strategies.


Benefits of Starting a Social Media Management Business

Increasingly, businesses prefer to outsource their social media management to freelancers or other companies to ensure they target the right audience and make the most out of their platforms.

Some of the benefits of having a social media management company are:

  • You don’t need to invest a lot of money. Usually, a new business has a significant upfront investment to start operating as a company.  A social media management agency has little upfront costs; you save money because you don’t waste office space and employee salaries. All you need is a computer and social media management software.
  • You can work from anywhere you want. Most of the work you can be done on your computer, therefore you can work from home. You save money that you would have spent on other expenses, like gas, lunches, and childcare.
  • Social media managers are in great demand because a company’s social media profile is vital for success. The demand for someone who can manage everything a brand or business needs is growing and is expected to continue.
  • It can be a side hustle or a full-time business. As the agency owner, you can choose which clients to work with and the amount of work you are willing to take on.
  • Just about anyone can start a social media management business.

How to Start Your Social Media Management Business

There are several ways you can start your social media business.

Some of the steps you can follow are:

  • Increase your knowledge – It is impossible to know everything, especially in an industry where things are constantly changing. There is always something new to learn, but it is imperative to know the necessary skills. You should read articles and watch videos to obtain the information you need to work on the various social media platforms.
  • Do your research and choose a niche for your agency – You should be careful when choosing a niche. Sometimes the niche comes to you as an opportunity to develop knowledge. But it is usually better to plan beforehand and find your first clients in areas you are most comfortable with.
  • Define your target audience and the service you want to offer – This comes in handy with finding your niche; remember that your job is to help your clients meet their needs. You should think of ways to help them, such as saving time, amplifying their social media efforts, managing their social media platforms, or helping them grow an audience.
  •  Get more experience – You can start by offering your services for free to small or local businesses. You’ll get experience. You’ll build your portfolio and make connections, eventually leading to more business and referrals.
  • Start networking – Once you have some experience and are confident about what you are doing, let others know what you do. You have proof of your success and the credibility to get paying clients. You can demonstrate your social media management skills by applying them to your business when reaching out to other business owners
  • Keep improving – Once you start getting clients and your business starts to grow, it is imperative to never stop learning, improving, and growing. Use the connections you have to make new ones, learn more about the business, gain experience in other niches and build relationships of trust with your clients.

Services You Should Offer to your Clients

  • Develop a content strategy – You need to have very clear intentions and be creative when coming up with content that will drive traffic to your client’s website. Once you have a strategy, present it to your client with a plan to guide their initiatives.
  • Create content – It is vital to create engaging, exciting content that brings value to your clients. 
  • Find influencers and customers – Find influencers in your client’s niche, collaborate with them. This can significantly increase the reach of your client’s social media.
  • Track and measure success – Now that you’ve done the work, it is time to measure how effective your strategies have been. You will need to collect data, find areas of weakness and send your client recommendations for future improvements.

Although it might seem challenging, starting a social media management business can be a great opportunity that can be started on the side. Now is the time to start. The tools are there for you to use, and the most significant investment you’ll be making is your time.

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Kimberly Coronado
Team Writer: Kimberly Coronado is an experienced writer, her passion is helping entrepreneurs like herself get a better understanding of the entrepreneur world by giving them the tools they will need to find success.

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Team Writer: Kimberly Coronado is an experienced writer, her passion is helping entrepreneurs like herself get a better understanding of the entrepreneur world by giving them the tools they will need to find success.

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