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12 Signs that You are An Entrepreneur

Some entrepreneurs acquire skills by learning, while for some, the profession becomes an extension of their character. Whether being an entrepreneur is a twist of fate or only a product of hard work is a matter of debate. And while one does not exclude the other, let’s face it, there are people who are destined to be entrepreneurs – it’s a calling no one can deny or even doubt.

What about you? Are you an entrepreneur at heart? Let’s find out!

You are a risk taker

The comfort zone scares the hell out of you. You’re almost addicted to pushing boundaries in your work. Business is all about taking risks and managing not to crack under their pressure. So, if you stayed true to the adventurous kid inside you then entrepreneurship is something you are likely to enjoy!

However, there is a thin line you should not cross. As Leonard C. Green tells his students at Babson College, “Entrepreneurs aren’t risk takers. They’re calculated risk takers.” Since risk involves a lot of uncertainty, you should take the risks worth pursuing. As Green elaborates, the difference between risk takers and calculated risk takers is one of failure and success.

You are a self-starter

You rely on yourself and only yourself. You hate it when someone’s breathing down your neck telling you what to do. If you do something, that’s because you believe in it – the cause is always more important to you than the benefits. Were you a founder of a club in college? Did you often volunteer? Were there times in your life when you were broke but happy because your time and energy were aimed at something fulfilling? If yes, then the thrills of entrepreneurship aren’t new to you.

You are good at finance management

Keeping the pulse on your finances is a skill every entrepreneur has to master. So, if you’re managing your own finances, that’s a crucial skill to take with you on your entrepreneurial journey. A reasonable approach to spending and saving is what will guarantee you a stable income in the future.

But taking care of your personal finances doesn’t make you all ready for the challenges of entrepreneurship. Cynthia Heil, a certified financial planner from Cascade Financial Management told Entrepreneur magazine that it is crucial to keep your personal and professional finances separate. It’s true that as an entrepreneur your profession will take up an essential part of your life. But dealing with irregular income, you have to be prepared for the unexpected. Keeping your finances separate will force you to be organized and just ease the process of paying taxes and bills.

You are competitive

You always want to own the game. While entrepreneurship is a road with countless ups and downs, what’s important aren’t your downfalls but your persistence to succeed. Blame it on your pride or perfectionism – it doesn’t matter – being the best for you isn’t an option, it’s the only way.

You like being a leader

It’s different from just being independent. Being your own boss sounds like a dream worth pursuing. But there is more to it. Being a boss for yourself means being a leader for others. As an entrepreneur, you will have a vision, which won’t come to life without an awesome team. So, to make that happen you have to have an inspiring character which will attract people like a magnet.

You are a creative thinker

Creativity isn’t only for the artists. To spin heads with your enterprise, your solutions have to be creative.

Your out-of-the-box thinking is what got you started in the first place. Your corporate job was dull, and nothing around you was challenging enough. And that’s when you knew you had to carve your own path. You know those typical entrepreneur stories – they drop out of college and get totally broke. It’s normal for entrepreneurs not to fit in. While it puts you down at times, you know it will take you to the heights later.

There is a common notion that creativity is a birthright not everybody has. However, Tina Seelig, the executive director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, argues the opposite. She thinks creativity can be taught. So, if you don’t see yourself as super creative – don’t worry, you still have your chance. Here is a tip based on Michael Michalko’s book “Creative Thinkering” for you to start with. Change your view of things, more specifically get rid of all the stereotypes that might blur your vision and prevent you from getting to the core of things. Try applying contradictory tactics – implement a solution you thought would never work.

You like controlling your income

Being directly rewarded for your work is what all entrepreneurs want. The desire usually matures when you feel you no longer can stand working for someone else. As long as you don’t feel like filling someone else’s pockets, chances are high that you will end up being an entrepreneur.

You are a doer

You always have some project in progress. Entrepreneurship is a lot of work. And as much as you will have to think, you will have to act.

Everybody has an idea, but very few grow their ideas into successful ventures. People love to talk, but entrepreneurs love to act. And sometimes it will mean sacrificing your time with your family or not getting enough sleep. But if you’re smart enough, you will soon learn how to maintain the balance.

You are confident

Entrepreneurship is a rocky path, and what will keep you going is your confidence. Because some people will try to put you down. Constructive criticism is one thing, but useless nagging is another. If you take into account the first and disregard the second, you are already one step ahead!

And if you feel like you have a thick skin when it comes to challenges, then you will hardly crack under entrepreneurial pressure. You just believe in yourself, and that’s exactly what entrepreneurs at heart do!

You like being alone

You like isolating yourself for a while to get yourself together. Spending some time on your own lets you see the bigger picture and set your priorities straight. And it doesn’t mean you don’t like being around people. Instead, by taking time of your own and identifying your goals, your communication will be much more fruitful.

You work with passion

And finally – passion. Successful entrepreneurs love what they do. It’s passion that is going to pull you through the hardest days of your career. Creating something from scratch means agreeing to countless obstacles and disappointments, the only cure for which is going to be the love for your work.

There is a lesson you can learn from Richard Branson when it comes to loving what you do and inspiring others. Branson says that if you believe in something, it will inspire those around you to believe in your vision and help you achieve your goals.

Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone. It’s for those who are brave and confident – willing to move mountains to fulfill their vision!

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Maria Mkrtchyan
Staff Writer: Maria is a freelance writer who lives and writes outside the box. Honest and casual as she is in person, she is in her writing. She will pen down everything that's challenging, inspiring and has the potential of making the world a more intelligent and sensible place. In her spare time, she loves taking artsy photos, traveling, writing poetry, meditating and just surrendering to philosophical musings. You can follow her on Twitter @mariatheflaneur and Instagram mariatheflaneur

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Staff Writer: Maria is a freelance writer who lives and writes outside the box. Honest and casual as she is in person, she is in her writing. She will pen down everything that's challenging, inspiring and has the potential of making the world a more intelligent and sensible place. In her spare time, she loves taking artsy photos, traveling, writing poetry, meditating and just surrendering to philosophical musings. You can follow her on Twitter @mariatheflaneur and Instagram mariatheflaneur

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