Do These 10 Things Before You Quit Your Job
If you are starting your own business and planning to quit your job, you are a brave person. Everybody wants freedom. But just like all the other great things in life, it has its own cost. Only a few people can pay for [..]
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4 Basic Types of Software Your Startup
Starting your own business can be a very daunting prospect and will likely involve a lot of responsibilities that you have no previous experience with. Luckily, there is plenty of helpful and inexpensive software available [..]
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25 Interesting and Powerful Quotes that Help Fuel Your Aspirations
We have all heard many great quotes throughout the years. Ones that we often quote, share online, or simply use to remind ourselves when we need to give ourselves an inner pep talk.
Throughout my working tenure, my manager [..]
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What is User-Generated Content: 3 Ways to Attract Attention with UGC
People spend countless hours on social media. It has become one of the leading platforms that provide us entertainment.
We share everything on social media – a new haircut, new job, random pic of your dog, your [..]
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Protecting Your Business When Disasters Like Covid-19 Happen
Natural disasters occur. Hurricanes, earthquakes, and pandemics like COVID-19 can cause many to suffer physical and emotional losses. Small businesses can be destroyed when there was no plan in place if the worst happens. [..]
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Issuing Employees Company Stock: A Guide for Startups
3 years ago
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Depending on the type of business, you could be starting off solo or looking to hire a team that will help you expand. But not every proprietor has enough capital to hire individuals with the expertise they need. If [..]
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5 Foolproof Negotiation Tactics to Make Investors Agree with Valuations
Many startups are in a phase where they have no solid ground on the financial front. But it can be a serious challenge to get investors on board with their dream business and get a solid standing. The pitching of your [..]
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Your Business is Profitable. Here are 4 Things to Do with the Money
Making a profit for the first time is a huge milestone for any business. Whether it is a tiny one person operation or if you’re Amazon making a profit after 14 years in business, it’s kind of a big [..]
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3 Reasons Why Purpose-Driven Campaigns are on Trend
Purpose-driven campaigns are long-term initiatives and not just marketing strategies. With the wave of the new generation and the rise of socio-political and environmental issues that we face, consumers are [..]
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22 Podcast Directories Where You Can Publish Your Show or Find Awesome Ones
It seems like everyone is starting a podcast these days. From business owners and marketers to celebrities and professional athletes, podcasting is becoming the go-to option for growing a personal brand and providing [..]
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