How to Improve Your Company’s Performance by Streamlining its Administration
As an entrepreneur, although you’ve braved the world of self-determination, having the next best business idea doesn’t guarantee that once you’ve identified a market, you’ll be able to secure [..]
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The 5 Most Common Mistakes First-Time Entrepreneurs Make
The idea of the self-made man or woman has been associated with the United States since its founding. Entrepreneurship is a huge part of American culture and the American Dream, so not surprising that it also plays an [..]
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Personal Finance Tips for New Entrepreneurs
If you are like many new entrepreneurs, you’ve spent your life toiling away in the trenches of the corporate world. When you graduated from college, you had a starry-eyed view of life and were excited about the [..]
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6 Common Mistakes to Avoid if You Want to Have Effective Meetings
When appropriately done, meetings are an excellent tool for addressing conflicts, making critical decisions, evaluating performance, and achieving goals. When performed improperly, they tend to waste time and resources. [..]
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How Evergreen Email Funnels Can Transform Your Business
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There comes a time when every business owner makes a discovery that feels like a eureka moment. For me, evergreen funnels were one of those discoveries. Before coming across the idea of evergreen funnels, I struggled to sell [..]
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7 Tips to Find Work-Life Balance When Juggling Multiple Calendars
A good work-life balance is one of the most important things you can do to ensure that you are happy and healthy in the long-run. Protecting time for family, hobbies, rest and relaxation is absolutely essential [..]
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10 Tips to Look Your Best on Video Calls
It has been over a year since we were struck by a worldwide pandemic.. While adapting to the many changes Covid-19 brought with it, we had to work from home. As a result, video calls became the only source of follow-up with [..]
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5 Keys to Scaling Your Business in 2021
If you have built a successful startup in a short period of time, complacency can set in very quickly. To stay relevant and reinforce your brand image and value in a consumer’s mind, your business needs to scale [..]
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5 Creative Ways to Attract Awesome Employees On a Budget
The key to attracting great employees with good credentials even when you’re on a budget is creativity. It’s not easy to compete against other companies for the best employees when you have a limited budget. Even [..]
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5 Organizations to Help Your Growing Business
Growth for any business can be nearly impossible without having access to mentors, peer-to-peer discussion, knowledge of industry-specific standards, as well as education and training. Fortunately, business leaders have [..]
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