Effectively Communicating With Employees About Returning to Work
Just 3 years ago, everyone assumed that the future of business would revolve around remote working. The pandemic forced many companies to adopt work-from-home initiatives in order to keep their businesses operating and to [..]
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10 Companies that Failed Due to Poor Management
We all know how important good management is for any business. For small businesses, poor management can quickly damage their outlook. But is the same true for much larger corporations? Absolutely.
Some businesses make it [..]
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10 Types of Ecommerce Business Models and How They Work
Ecommerce has revolutionized the way people shop allowing consumers to purchase goods and services online from anywhere in the world. For entrepreneurs and business owners, this has created a golden opportunity as well. Now, [..]
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8 Reasons for Low Employee Morale
When employee morale is high, people are satisfied when they’re at work. They take pride in their jobs and want to make a quality contribution. On top of that, your business is most likely running more smoothly, [..]
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Mobile Marketing Best Practices
Mobile marketing is rapidly becoming the most effective means of reaching your business’s target audience. With smartphones being used as the primary way to access the internet, there are [..]
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4 Main Business Models for Coffee Shops
Since the early 90s, with the explosion in popularity of national chains like Starbucks and numerous local shops, Americans have made visiting coffee shops a part of their daily lives. And even with a recent [..]
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8 Important Responsibilities of a Supervisor
There is almost no hope for a business if its leaders do not perform their roles well. From the owner of the business to the third-line supervisors, every leader must take their roles and responsibilities seriously if they [..]
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What You Need to Know About the Great Resignation
Even if you’ve never heard the term “The Great Resignation” before, you’ve likely noticed it happening all around you. American workers are rapidly quitting their jobs in response to various [..]
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7 Business Models For Artists
Many artists in the world would love to be able to spend most of their day creating works of art that they can share with the world. Whether it is painting, music, photography, digital graphic art, or even film, [..]
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5 Benefits of a Goods Loan
Are you looking for the best financing option to buy a vehicle, equipment, or machinery? Consider a goods loan, also known as a chattel mortgage. With a wide range of benefits, this type of loan is becoming increasingly [..]
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