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8 Entrepreneurship Goals to Set For Yourself


In a way, entrepreneurship is the practice of setting goals and achieving those goals. Running a business means setting and accomplishing a variety of financial and non-financial business goals. Without these targets, it is almost impossible to advance a business. That is why a large part of entrepreneurship is learning how to set, manage, and accomplish business goals.

But, while setting business goals is necessary, many entrepreneurs fail to focus on the goals that mean a lot to them personally. On the road to growing your business, there are some personal development milestones that you may want to achieve along the way. These goals can not only help you personally but will also help your business excel. In this article, we will look at a few entrepreneurship goals you may want to set for yourself.


Improve Problem-Solving Ability

If there is one thing that entrepreneurs need a high skill set in, it’s problem-solving. This doesn’t always come easy. And, doing too much problem-solving can really wear you down if you let it. But, at the end of the day, there will always be problems and issues that arise. One of the traits that determine how skilled you are as an entrepreneur is your ability to handle those issues.

One of the best ways to improve your problem-solving abilities is to know your business from the ground up. If you know how to do every single job (to some degree), then you will know what needs to happen if a problem were to show up at any step in the process. This also helps build trust and respect from your team.

A few other great habits to work on to help with this skill are enhancing your creative thinking skills. When you think creatively you tend to come up with solutions that may not be easily identifiable. You also want to maintain a positive outlook along with a growth mindset. Learn to become confident in the decisions that you make when faced with a problem.


Learn to Manage Time Well

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. We also all have different things that seem to suck that time up like a vacuum. One of the best ways to manage your time is to sit down and build a time management strategy.

Here are some of the best-known time management and productivity techniques that you may want to test.

  • The Pomodoro Technique– This technique involves breaking work into 25-minute intervals, or “pomodoros”, separated by short breaks.
  • Eisenhower Matrix– This approach is based on categorizing tasks based on their importance and urgency. Tasks are classified as important/not important and urgent/not urgent and prioritized accordingly to ensure that the most important tasks are given priority.
  • Eat That Frog– This philosophy emphasizes tackling the most challenging task first thing in the morning, rather than procrastinating or avoiding it. By completing the most difficult task early in the day, you can build momentum and feel a sense of accomplishment that can carry you through the rest of the day.
  • Time Blocking– This strategy involves scheduling specific blocks of time for specific tasks or activities.
  • Getting Things Done– This methodology is based on the idea of breaking down tasks into actionable steps and organizing them into a comprehensive system.
  • Pareto Analysis– You might know this as the “80/20 rule”. The rule states that 80% of your results come from 20% of the causes. By focusing on the vital few causes that are responsible for the majority of the problems, you prioritize and allocate resources effectively to achieve the greatest impact.

Each strategy is different for each entrepreneur. The strategy that works best will depend on your schedule, team, type of business, and responsibilities. Don’t be afraid to test out different techniques and use what works and ditch what doesn’t.


Become a Better Communicator

Communication is a vital aspect of all areas of life. But, it is even more necessary for entrepreneurs who want to excel. In a world where it is very easy to misinterpret and leave people offended and angry, you need to be able to communicate effectively, and efficiently. This includes communication with your customers, employees, co-founders, and partners.

Communication is not just learning to speak more clearly, it also involves knowing how and when to stop and listen. Many people miss this side of the equation. That simple oversight can very easily become their downfall. Practice listening before responding. Take notes if you need to. When you stop and really listen to what people are saying it makes it easy to communicate with them on any topic or issue.


Achieve Work-Life Balance

As an entrepreneur, there are going to be many days and nights that run together. Whether it be in the early stages of a business when you’re trying to get all of the pieces lined up, or later on when success is hitting and there are so many things that need your attention right now.

All of that is super exciting. However, if you don’t incorporate and practice work-life balance, your dream of being an entrepreneur and having a life could slide down a very steep hill. Work on finding stress management techniques that work for you. This might take a little bit of trial and error.

Find time for things that aren’t business-related. Things like exercise, eating nutritious foods, taking time to spend with friends and family, reading a book, completing a puzzle, or maybe a much-needed spa day.


Build a Business or Product People Love

In a very saturated market where people constantly have access to new things at the touch of a button. And, as marketing becomes more creative, it is easier now to sell products to anyone. However, just because products sell, doesn’t mean that the product is great. It just means it was marketed well.

It’s important to build a business or product that your customers love. One thing to keep in mind for this one is to create something that brings value to your customers. Whether that is a product or service, build something that they can enjoy and rely on when they need it.

When focusing on your business or product you also want to work on creating relationships with your customers. Take their feedback from reviews and social media. Use that to create a brand that can be trusted and make them want to come back to you for products or services that they need.


Give Back to an Important Cause

This is sometimes one of the best ways to not only build a strong business but also to allow you to support those around you. With so many great causes out there, find ones that truly matter to you and your customers. This can be as simple as giving a donation or sponsoring an event or product. You might be surprised how much this can boost your mood and your business.


Mentor Other Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneur mentorship is crucial for new business owners who lack experience in starting and running a successful venture. A mentor can provide valuable guidance, knowledge, and expertise that can help entrepreneurs navigate the challenges and pitfalls of starting a business. They can also offer emotional support and encouragement. Which we all know entrepreneurs need. Mentors can also help entrepreneurs develop important skills like networking, marketing, and financial management.

Mentorship can help entrepreneurs avoid costly mistakes and make more informed decisions. Also, a mentor can provide access to a wider network of contacts and resources. These resources come in handy and can help business owners grow their businesses. Ultimately, mentorship can help new entrepreneurs develop the skills and confidence they need to achieve their goals and thrive in their chosen fields.


Achieve Financial Freedom or Stability

During the beginning stages of running a business, many founders do what they can just to keep the doors open. This sometimes means sacrificing their pay in order to re-invest in the business. Many business owners also fund their ventures by using their own funds. While this may be a necessary step for some to get the business going, eventually, this practice can harm an entrepreneur’s financial future.

A major goal entrepreneurs should have is to reach financial freedom or at least financial stability. While this doesn’t always mean selling your startup for $100 million, it does mean that you recoup your time and financial investments. As you’re running your business, or perhaps after an exit, you should be more financially stable than when you started. You should also have the freedom and means to start another business, perhaps a non-profit, or even take an early retirement.

As an entrepreneur, you took the risk of starting your business. You should also reap the rewards of making it successful.



There are many goals that entrepreneurs might have. And each entrepreneur has their vision of what they want to accomplish. While you’re creating a list of goals you want to accomplish, be sure to not leave these off of your list. After you put these into practice you can then build on them to continue to grow as an entrepreneur and as a person.

Also read:

How to Set Business Goals

First-Year Business Goals to Set for Yourself

7 Powerful Medium-Term Goals to Set for Your Business

Katie Budd on Instagram
Katie Budd
Team Writer: Katie Budd is a full-time 8-5er in the commercial insurance industry and works on building her freelance writing business. She enjoys creating engaging content for people to read. She also enjoys working out at home doing Street Parking programming, encouraging her kids to chase what they are passionate about, and spending as much time on the farm with her extended family as possible. Follow along with her on her blog and Instagram as she continues to put thoughts into words.

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Team Writer: Katie Budd is a full-time 8-5er in the commercial insurance industry and works on building her freelance writing business. She enjoys creating engaging content for people to read. She also enjoys working out at home doing Street Parking programming, encouraging her kids to chase what they are passionate about, and spending as much time on the farm with her extended family as possible. Follow along with her on her blog and Instagram as she continues to put thoughts into words.
