Cameron Chell, Tech Entrepreneur, Describes His Triumph Over Adversity in “Power of Success” Event
As the CEO and co-founder of Business Instincts Group (BIG), Cameron Chell has been integral to the foundation of several well known companies, including Draganfly Innovations, UrtheCast, and Slyce. However, his path to [..]
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Earn Customer Loyalty Easily by Using These 5 Steps in Your Email Marketing
Earning the trust and loyalty of your customers can go a tremendously long way towards retaining them as customers and having them become repeat customers. Your email marketing is the perfect tool to use to help build this [..]
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How to Smoothly Integrate New Team Members into Your Business
At some point in time, your startup will need to move beyond a one-man show and bring others on board. Hiring the right people to expand your team beyond its core is an exciting step in the expansion of your startup, and [..]
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5 Ways to Make Networking Work for You
Somehow, the idea of “networking” has developed a bad reputation among many people, probably because their expectations aren’t set right. They equate networking with business cards or instant results or [..]
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Do One of These 12 Things to Make Extra Cash Monthly
Your visions of being a successful entrepreneur may have already happened. Perhaps you haven’t yet crossed over to being your own boss. It can help if you have a supplemental income. You will prove to yourself that [..]
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How To Separate Self Identity from Work Identity
7 years ago
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You are not your career. You are not what you do from 8 to 5, your salary, or what you put down on your W-2 or a 1099. You are not defined by your entrepreneurship or startup mentality, though these can certainly be part of [..]
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Jarvis or Skynet? Here Are the Different Sides to the AI Debate
7 years ago
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A few weeks ago, two Silicon Valley stalwarts, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg stirred up a mini “maelstrom of cold disses” due to their “disagreement” over AI. AI or artificial intelligence is a [..]
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[Video] 10 Daily Habits Of The Most Successful Entrepreneurs
7 years ago
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It is a well known fact that the habits we practice help shape our lives. This is true in life and business. Some of the most successful entrepreneurs ever have taken this idea and applied it to their lives and [..]
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6 Ways to Get More Referrals for Your Startup Business
A study by market research firm, Nielsen, showed that 92% of customers trust recommendations that came from friends and family. Word-of-mouth is a powerful marketing force that is based on trust that you can nurture and have [..]
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How “Free” Can Get You Paying Customers
Finding a following for your business can be tough, but it is so rewarding. There are so many new businesses popping up each day, especially online. Sometimes, it seems like you are screaming in a crowded room and no one can [..]
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