It’s not always easy to know what is true and what isn’t when it comes to marketing. A lot of efforts could be a shot in the dark. Some marketing efforts work for some people, while not for others. There really isn’t a one-size-fits-all. If you don’t do the correct research or are following other’s advice, you could actually do damage to your business. Watch out for these marketing myths, because they may not be a service for you at all.
Myth #1: Social Media Has Replaced Email
You may have heard that sending emails to your customers is dead. This isn’t true at all. Social media really can’t replace the personal touch of an email. It is merely a tool to use to reach customers more often. Email still works in marketing campaigns, and offers people up the personal touch and is a gentle reminder that you are still there waiting to help them.
Myth #2: Content is Still King
Social media is used to send out content to users and develop your brand. Your content about your industry and product/service gives you an authority. You may be answering their questions that they didn’t even know they had. Content is how you appeal directly to your audience. Your content needs to reinforce your brands’ authority and make you look trustworthy. Think of how you can effectively create content to do that.
Myth #3: Ignore the Haters
Going radio silent on negative feedback is admitting that you’re guilty. It also doesn’t show a good customer service experience to others who are paying attention. It’s important to address the needs of your customers, and this includes customers who weren’t happy. When you’re using social media, it isn’t all about promoting your brand. You also have to manage negative feedback.
It’s simply one of your roles as a business owner promoting things online. Make sure you answer the negative feedback in your favor. Respond quickly, and try to spin it in a popular way, or perhaps explain why it’s necessary that it must be that way. Don’t respond slowly, because the negativity could gain momentum and by that point, your words will be lost.
Negative and positive feedback both have their place. Negative feedback is good because it allows you to improve. How you respond to negative feedback can also make you look really good. Use it to your advantage, and respond quickly and professionally. Don’t ignore it though.
Myth #4: Just Focus on Followers that Will Become Customers
Yes, social media does bring you in more customers but it does more than that. The followers of a corporate social media account were already fans of the business before they started following. Social media makes it easier to say something about a business and prove that it’s good and legit. However, people will already know about the business and like it. Social media is better for keeping engaged customers. This is just as essential as getting your name out there.
Myth #5: Don’t Be Too Transparent
When creating content, you might think that you should protect your secrets. This couldn’t be further from the truth. People want transparency, and they need something different. This is what is going to get you noticed in the sea of bigger fish. It’s highly likely that your competitors already know what you do and how you do it. Also, just because the public knows how you do something, doesn’t mean that they can mimic it.
Think about it. If we all became millionaires from “Rich Dad, Poor, Dad” that would be great, but some of us just don’t have the same mindset or drive as Tim Ferriss. Why is it a benefit to share all your secrets? Sharing what you know, especially the deep stuff, gets people interested in your products or services. Customers are going to appreciate the fact that you were so confident to spill your deepest secrets and be refreshingly open.
Myth #6: Social Media Metrics Don’t Really Tell You What You Need to Know
Sure, you might not be able to find just one method that will track the effectiveness of your campaign, but there are ways that you can pinpoint certain aspects. You can use tools that will let you in on customer behavior. That information lets you know if your campaign is working or you need to do something different. Find out what metrics mean the most to you. It’s totally possible to measure metrics if you remain aware. It’s all about consumer awareness.
If you own a business, you pretty much need to do online marketing. This is what your competition is doing. It is effective, but it has to be done right. There are a lot of myths surrounding what works and what doesn’t. We hope we’ve helped you dispel some of those myths. Having a good strategy with the right information and direction makes all the difference.
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