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20 Employee Morale Survey Questions to Ask Your Team

We likely all have first-hand experience with the importance of workplace morale. When we enjoy our jobs and have positive relationships with colleagues and managers, we tend to be more engaged and productive. On the other hand, if we feel disconnected and have poor work relationships, our motivation may be limited to meeting the bare minimum requirements.

It’s clear that workplace morale directly affects employee productivity, retention, and overall job satisfaction. However, as an entrepreneur building a team or a new manager, you might be wondering how exactly you can measure workplace morale, especially in a remote or hybrid workplace. As a leader in the workplace, it’s up to you to be proactive about spotting low employee morale and building a positive workplace environment. 

One way to gauge employee morale is by sending out a survey. This allows you to stay connected to your team and provides an opportunity for open feedback. The tricky part is to make sure you are asking the right questions to get the right data. To help you, here are some questions you should be asking on the next workplace morale survey.


The Importance of Employee Morale Surveys

Employee morale surveys are pivotal for gauging the overall health and well-being of an organization. These surveys assess the level of employee satisfaction, engagement, and commitment—factors that directly influence productivity and business performance. High morale often leads to increased motivation and work efficiency. Conversely, low employee morale can spark burnout and high turnover rates. By regularly conducting these surveys, management gets a comprehensive snapshot of their team’s morale and can address concerns proactively.

Moreover, morale surveys can identify gaps in leadership and internal communication. This offers insight to enhance those areas. They can also spotlight what employees value in their work environment, enabling businesses to focus on those elements to enhance job satisfaction and retention.

The survey results aid in creating a more transparent culture. It does this by opening communication lines between employees and leadership. When employees see their feedback taken seriously and changes implemented, they feel valued and heard.

In essence, employee morale surveys are a tool for building a better workplace culture. They are essential for maintaining the competitive edge of an organization in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.


Employee Morale Survey Questions 

1. On a scale of 1-10, how do you feel about the morale in the workplace?

While seemingly straightforward, this question can help gain some important insights. It directly asks the employee what their perception of workplace morale is. It gives a quick glimpse into their overall happiness with their workplace environment. If you have multiple employees, you can take the average of this score to have a better understanding of your team’s morale.

Depending on where the overall score falls can help you determine how much work needs to be done to raise morale. Whether a few changes are needed, or a complete overhaul of company culture. 


2. Do you feel supported in the workplace?

When workers feel supported they have higher productivity and feel confident to do their job well. They are more likely to feel comfortable asking questions or seeking help when struggling with a task, lowering mistakes in the workplace. This can uncover any gaps within the resources or training that are available to employees. It can also show if leaders should be more available to the team for questions or assistance. 


3. On a scale of 1-10, how well do you get along with your colleagues?

The team dynamic can be highly important to an employee’s overall performance and morale at work. Of course, not everyone has to be best friends; however, there should be a level of respect and friendliness among colleagues to work efficiently together.

Having team members that get along increases employee engagement and can help retention as people feel that they belong. Low scores on this question can bring to light if employees aren’t getting along or if someone is slacking off and putting more work on others. It can help leaders determine if they need to work on developing more team bonding opportunities and team events. 


4. What do you like most about your job?

Focusing on the positive aspects of work allows employees to say what the company is getting right when it comes to workplace culture and morale. This allows leaders to understand what engages their employees. As well as what they should be continuing to do or leaning more into and offering more often. 


5. What do you dislike most about your job?

Leaders may be surprised by how honest employees can be about what they don’t like at work. By asking this question, it allows employees to voice their main concerns. Leaders can glean a lot of information about what they can improve upon. This will also show employees that you value their opinions and take them seriously. By working on what employees dislike most this can have significant changes in the workplace morale. 


6. Do you feel management cares about you?

The well-being of employees is an important factor that businesses should be invested in. Many businesses boast of having a workplace environment that feels like a family, but not all of them actually achieve that feeling. Caring about employees’ well-being is a good first step in fostering a positive workplace culture.

A good relationship between an employee and their boss can positively affect that employee’s work and perception of the business’s culture. If employees don’t feel like management or the company cares about them, they are not likely to be invested in the success of the company. 

Improve and Boost Employee Morale

7. On a scale of 1-10, how well do you feel management promotes positive morale?

This question gauges the effectiveness of management and their efforts in building a positive workplace environment. This can show if leaders are meeting the needs of their employees. Practices such as recognizing employees when a project is well done, providing growth opportunities, and being a supportive and communicative leader will all be factors for employees when answering this question. If there is a low score this may mean there’s a disconnect between management and the employees.


8. How comfortable do you feel giving feedback to your direct supervisor?

This question helps assess the power dynamic and level of psychological safety within the organization. Employees should feel comfortable providing upward feedback. When done right, doing so helps supervisors adapt their management style to the team’s needs. All of which improves team dynamics. 

If there is a fear or discomfort in providing feedback, it could signal a deeper issue such as an autocratic leadership style, which can undermine team trust and stifle innovation.


9. Are there enough opportunities for professional development and growth in our organization?

This question is important because it will give you a glimpse into employees’ perceptions of their professional growth trajectory. Companies that invest in their employees’ development tend to have higher engagement and retention rates.

The opportunity to learn new skills, undertake challenging projects, and advance in one’s career is directly linked to job satisfaction. The absence of growth opportunities can lead to stagnation. 


10. Do you feel you have the necessary resources and tools to perform your job effectively?

Leaders cannot expect their team to do their jobs well if they aren’t well equipped. The ability to do one’s job effectively is contingent upon access to necessary resources and tools. These can include technology, equipment, training, and even co-worker or managerial support.

This question uncovers potential gaps in these areas. If employees lack what they need, their productivity suffers. So does their effectiveness and morale.


11. How would you describe the company culture? Does it align with your personal values?

The essence of an organization lies in its culture. This question seeks to understand employees’ perceptions of the company culture. It also will show the work culture resonates with their personal values. Misalignment can lead to disengagement, conflict, and high turnover. When employees feel a strong cultural fit, they are more likely to be engaged and stick around.


12. Are you satisfied with the recognition and reward system at our organization?

Recognition and rewards are key to motivating employees. Rewarding your employees validates their efforts. If the existing system is perceived as unfair or insufficient, it can lead to demoralization and resentment.

On the other hand, a system that regularly acknowledges and rewards both small wins and big accomplishments can do wonders for a work culture.


13. Are you able to maintain a healthy work-life balance in your current role?

A healthy work-life balance is crucial for employees’ mental and physical health. This question gauges the company’s commitment to promoting balance and preventing burnout. Excessive workloads or expectations to be ‘always on’ can lead to many issues. Leaders should take this question seriously and make changes if the responses are more negative than positive.


14. Do you feel confident in the leadership and direction of the organization?

This question assesses employees’ trust in the organization’s leaders. Also, it reveals their confidence in the strategic direction. High confidence levels suggest that employees feel the company is well-led and has a clear, positive future. Low confidence could indicate a lack of trust in leadership’s ability.

This can be because of an unclear company vision or fear about the company’s future. 

15. Are your job responsibilities clear and well-defined?

This question aims to uncover whether employees have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. Role ambiguity can cause frustration. It may also lead to role conflict where employees may be inadvertently working at cross purposes. Clarity in job roles fosters accountability, ensures tasks are completed efficiently, and gives employees a sense of purpose.


16. Do you feel that there is open communication across all levels of the organization?

We all know how important communication is in the workplace. This question probes the transparency, frequency, and effectiveness of communication within the company. When information flows freely and truthfully, trust is fostered.

Conflicts are also minimized and teams can work together efficiently. If employees perceive a lack of open communication, it may breed distrust. You’ll also see more disengagement that hinders collaboration and create a fear-based culture.


17. How likely are you to recommend our company as a great place to work to a friend?

This is a direct measure of employee satisfaction and is often used in calculating the employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS). Employee NPS is a way of measuring how your employees feel about your company. It provides a clear indication of how much employees like working for the company.

High scores reflect a positive work environment and a strong employer brand. On the other hand, low scores may indicate deep-rooted issues with culture, management, or job satisfaction.


18. Are there any changes in the organization that you would like to see happen to improve morale?

This question allows employees to voice their ideas for improving the work environment. It empowers employees to contribute to positive changes, reinforcing their sense of ownership and engagement. Their insights can lead to actionable steps to address issues and improve morale and productivity.


19. How effective are our team meetings? Are there any improvements you would suggest?

Team meetings are essential for collaboration, information sharing, and decision-making. However, poorly run meetings can waste time and resources. By asking this question, organizations can identify areas for improvement, such as meeting structure, participation, or agenda-setting, thereby enhancing productivity and effectiveness.


20. If you could change one thing about your job or our company, what would it be?

This open-ended question invites employees to reflect on their biggest challenges or concerns, providing a valuable window into the areas they feel require immediate attention. This feedback can help shape strategic decisions and reforms that can make a meaningful difference in the employees’ working experience. Be ready for the answer to this question. It can sometimes hurt if the employees are honest.


Building a highly effective team is more than hiring the right people. Ultimately, it’s also about creating a company culture where people can thrive. By surveying your employees on their workplace morale, you can have a better understanding of what is going well and what your company can improve on. By directly seeking feedback from your team, you’ll be able to develop a plan around their specific needs and concerns, ultimately boosting employee morale.


Also Read:

8 Reasons for Low Employee Morale

8 Signs of Low Employee Morale

How Low Employee Morale Effects the Workplace

Courtney Kovacs
Team Writer: Courtney Kovacs is a Texas based writer who enjoys writing about various topics such as entrepreneurship, travel, health and wellness, and faith.

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Team Writer: Courtney Kovacs is a Texas based writer who enjoys writing about various topics such as entrepreneurship, travel, health and wellness, and faith.

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