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Purchase “The Part-Time Entrepreneur” and Get the Classic Book The Art of War for Free

Part-time entrepreneurship


Last week, out of the blue, we sent everyone who purchased our book “The Part-Time Entrepreneur”, a free e-copy or one of our favorite books The Art of War by Sun Tzu.

The Art of War by Sun Tzu


Many entrepreneurs and executives have turned to The Art of War for inspiration and advice on how to succeed in competitive business situations.  

That’s why it is one of our favorites and one of the reasons why we want to give it away.

Purchase This Week and We’ll Send You “The Art of War” Too

So that some of you do not feel left out, we will be sending everyone who purchases a copy of our book directly from us a copy of The Art of War.  

You can click the button below and purchase the book for $4.99 and have immediate access.  We will then send you a copy of the classic book.

If you would like to get a sneak peak between the pages of our book, we posted a sample chapter.  You can read 10 pages of the 192 page book here.

How to Get The Art of War

If you purchase our book directly from our site, you don’t have to do anything.  We will send the The Art of War to the email you used to access our book.

What If I Purchased on Amazon?

We have no way of knowing who purchases our book from Amazon.  But, if you purchase our book from Amazon, or have already purchased it and would like a free copy of The Art of War, send us an email here and we will let you know how to get your hands on a copy.

2 Ways to Purchase


Click button below to purchase

Get It From Us Now for $4.99
On Amazon for $5.99 Kindle ($8.99 paperback)


More about the Book

This book is aimed at making you a successful part-time entrepreneur so that, if you choose, you can become a successful full-time entrepreneur. This book will show you how to manage your time, create ideas, innovate, and utilize technology like successful startups do but in less time. This book is about overcoming the challenges you will face:

  • How do you find the time to run a part-time business?
  • How to generate good ideas that will help you succeed.
  • What to do when you start to make money.
  • What do you do when you aren’t making money.
  • Should you do it alone or should you find a partner?
  • How do you handle the stress?
  • How do you make the most of your time?
  • How do you become the best entrepreneur you could be while still working a full-time job?


Part-time entrepreneurship is where it starts. If you can learn to manage business part-time, you are setting yourself up to have more freedom than even full-time entrepreneurs enjoy. You will be able to have the freedom to decide whether you want to keep your part-time business running for part-time income or if you want to leave your full-time job, run your business, and live your dreams.

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