If your business is thriving and you’re ready to grow it, you’re also going to need more staff. Startups need talent that matches their standards and requirements. So how do you find “your people?” It’s important to grow, and just as important is to have people that can help it grow and make sure that there’s no major problems along the way. You may never have thought about how important a person’s ability to go with changes is or how it can affect your business. There are actually a lot of things to consider, depending on your business and where you want it to go. We’ll give you some tips on hiring the right people so you can scale your business the way you want.
Hire the Right People
This should probably go without saying, but many times, people don’t hire effectively. Before you make any decisions about hiring your next door neighbor’s kid, first think about what your needs are. Make sure to reflect and analyze where your company needs help. Think about what it’s going to take to grow your business and allow it to truly thrive. What kind of people are you going to need for that?
Do they need to be creative? Eclectic? Street smart? Business savvy? Someone who adds great morale to the team? These are all things to consider. If you happen to be expanding your business and are opening up new locations, think about how much staff you need before hiring a bunch of people. The rule of thumb is that it’s better to hire five amazing employees than just settle for ten mediocre employees. It’s important to find the right talent for the job. This is actually going to keep your expenses down, because there’s greater efficiency. There will be fewer mistakes and let’s face it, less hand holding for you. It all starts with knowing what you need, so take notes if you have to, but be really clear on who it is you need before hiring.
Be Creative in the Hiring Process
Expand your mind when it comes to the type of people you hire. Have you ever thought about hiring someone from other countries? With the open market you have available to you, there is more potential to look outside for the perfect candidates. There are a lot of benefits to hiring people online. You’re creating diversity within your organization and a clear, different way of thinking. These remote employees usually offer a lot of value and don’t take up office space.
You could also hire part-time people and contractors instead of bringing in only full-time employees. This is probably actually the most expensive thing for your business, having a team of full-time people you don’t really need. It can add a lot of strain to your bottom line. Full-time doesn’t necessarily mean reliable and loyal either. You know that most people will lose steam by Thursday, so their efficiency wanes by the end of the week. You’re paying for these inefficiencies. Something to consider. You might want to have one trusted full-time person with a bunch of responsibilities, and then some part-time people if necessary.
Hire Your Top People First
When you start looking for your dream team, make sure that you focus on one area of your business at a time. Start with the higher up positions, the top level employees. This means you’ll get the essential help you need first so you can stop thinking about it. The leaders are going to be able to then help you find the right people within the departments they are experts in. Again, a weight off your shoulders. When your leaders are able to grow their teams, they’re going to feel more loyal within your organization. You have made them a part of the business, and they will feel that. They are also going to choose only the best, because a good employee will make their life much easier.
Don’t Hire Too Quickly
Make sure that you don’t hire too quickly. Hiring too many people at the same time makes it hard for any of the trainers/leaders. When you hire quickly, you may be hiring people who don’t actually suit your business. There will be a lot of dollars you spend on training only to have them leave a few weeks later. You’ll then have to spend more time and money hiring new people.
As you go through your hiring process, don’t lower your standards because you’re on a time limit. If they don’t suit your culture and what you envision the company to be, don’t hire them. Also, even if you really like someone, if they don’t have the skills, training, or experience you need, don’t bring them on. Or at least don’t bring them in for a job they can’t do.
Make sure you don’t hire someone you can’t afford either. There may be a dream person, but if you can’t afford how much they want to be paid, you’ll have to let them go. Keep in mind that a lot of the positions you’ll hire for don’t bring in any money. They are for the purpose of operations. Hiring overpriced admin will drown you in unnecessary payments that could sink your business.
Be Culture Conscious
Bringing in new people is a big deal to the other people you already have on board. Make sure that as you go through your hiring process, you also think of those who are already working for you. Your culture was something you have curated, whether you even realize it or not. If someone doesn’t feel right, this is going to affect them. Make sure you don’t hire too many people at once. This can dilute what your culture is about and that can be disrupting.
Consider these tips as you hire new people into your expanding business. Do it slowly, and take your time. Find the right people who mesh with the team you already have. Don’t go overboard on expenses while hiring new staff. Get the people you know are efficient and care about what they are doing. You want people who care about your business as much as you do. They are out there.
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