Business mills are grinding, and always churning out project after project. If you own or run a business entity, you know too well how projects can create a boon for your business. Then again, projects that are mismanaged can end up creating a bust and more often than not, these busts can hurt a company’s bottom line, return on investments and reputation.
So, boom or bust? Your choice.
If you choose “boon” then you must be big on project management. Effective project management boils down to chaperoning a project to a successful end; it focuses on the deliverables of a project and what strategies and plans can be put in place to ensure a project’s targets are met.
However, trying to manage and run projects manually is a herculean task and back-breaking task; that is why project management software is a great solution.
What Is This Project Management You Keep Mentioning?
Before we take a look at the benefits of project management software, let’s take a moment and examine what project management entails. Project Management Institute defines a project as “a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result,” which must be delivered on time and on-budget.
Project management, therefore “is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet the project requirements.”
Project management processes generally fall into five categories: initiating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling and closing. Project management involves developing a project plan, which involves defining and confirming the project goals and objectives, how they will be achieved, identifying tasks and quantifying the resources needed, and determining budgets and timelines for completion.
How Can Project Management Software Help My Business?
Any organization that tries to implement projects without proper project management software is only flirting with failure. This is because effective project management software has several benefits for your company. Here are a few:
1. Better Scheduling and Tracking
Due to the intense nature of most projects, chaos and confusion in assigning, scheduling and tracking tasks are all too common. This often leads to missed deadlines or shoddy works. To address this, an effective project management software can help keep all team members updated with critical information. Through such software, team members will have clarity with regards to their assignments. Reminders and reports from the software can ensure team members are on their toes and up and doing to ensure successful completion of the project.
2. Better Collaboration and Coordination
Most projects require expertise from various departments. However, running a tight ship using manual methods will lead to confusion and disorganization, often owing to poor communication. With project management software, all team members can work on one platform and also be updated with regards to the progress of assigned tasks.
Virtual managers can coordinate all tasks in an orderly manner in order to ensure everyone is kept in the loop. For instance, you can have a discussion using the software thereby avoiding the stress and cost of having to gather team members physically.
3. Budget Management
Every good project manager is cognizant of the importance of finances. Thus, keeping an eye out on expenses and incomes is very critical in ensuring things do not spiral out of control. Flexible and multipurpose management software helps project managers and teams keep finances in check by providing real-time data.
This ensures that managers are not overly consumed with the project such that they lose grip on their fiscal responsibility. With real-time data, changes can be made and errors can be preempted before it’s too late.
4. Standardized Process
If you’ve ever run a project, you know how crucial it is to have a standardized process. For instance, if team members are required to produce reports on their activities, they might produce reports that are not up to scratch. However, with project management software, such anomalies are addressed. Through the software, you can stipulate specific requirements ensuring no poor job is accepted.
Now to the Swansong
Project management, according to Greg Cimmarrusti is like “being an artist, you have the different colored process streams combining into a work of art. These streams include time, cost, resources, and human behavior come together.” Trying to coordinate your projects through manual means will lead to breaking your company’s back or breaking the bank. The only way to harness these effectively is to take advantage of project management software. So, take the leap, get project management software now.