The number one question for any startup or freelance business is, “How do I find clients for my business?” It’s a valid question because a business is not a business if there aren’t any customers. In this article, we will specifically talk about how to find clients in a place you’re probably already spending a great deal of time, social media. I will show you how to use social media to your advantage when looking for your next client, specifically on Facebook.
I’m not the only person to benefit from using social media. A recent study found that in 2020, people spent nearly two and a half hours per day on social media networks. It won’t be a surprise if that number is higher this year. Since you’re already on social media, why not utilize it as a way of finding clients for your business?
Instead of spending mindless hours scrolling and consuming useless content, let’s find ways of making that time productive and oriented toward business. Given how much time you already spend online, it makes sense to make the most of how you use it.
Be Intentional
Before getting on social media, pick one goal you want to accomplish and ask yourself if that goal can be achieved in less than an hour. First and foremost, be intentional about it when you go onto any social media platform for business purposes. You are there to connect with people, not go down a rabbit hole of your friend’s vacation pictures or skulk through the comment section on someone’s controversial posts. Social media can be entertaining, and it was designed to be addicting, so be intentional about setting and focusing on your goals.
Groups are Great
Facebook groups are amazing. I’ve made some of my closest online contacts inside Facebook groups, bringing me plenty of business. Facebook groups can be a gold mine of valuable information and potential clients for any niche. There are hundreds of millions of groups on Facebook, and 1.8 billion people use them every month. You can make the most out of what they offer through intentional and wise use of these groups.
Find Your Target Audience
All groups have a search feature that you can use to search within that group. The magnifying glass is the best tool you can use to be productive and efficient in your search. When using Facebook groups, start by entering the keyword or keywords you are hoping to target. Do not get hung up on choosing the right word. Think about what your intention is when using this particular group. Are you looking to network? Are you doing market research? Are you trying to find someone looking for a freelancer in your niche?
Your search results will show you people, photos, and posts related to the keyword(s) you searched for within the group. You can start scrolling through your results from here or filter them further by using the menu. Filtering by the most recent posts can be very useful. You can also narrow it down to results by date, who posted it, and whether or not you’ve already seen it. If you find that the keywords you started with are not getting you what you wanted, you can add to or adjust them.
Build Relationships
Now that you’ve found your people, it’s time to focus on forming relationships. This is called social selling. Social selling is becoming very popular. It’s kind of like door-to-door sales, but it takes place inside direct messages. “Social selling is a lead-generation technique where salespeople directly interact with their prospects on social media platforms.” Gross social selling is done on a one-to-one basis. You connect with someone online, get to know them, and then potentially form a business relationship. You must approach social selling from a means of providing service and value to someone and not from a place of desperation.
Connecting and forming relationships is such an essential aspect of building your business network and growing. How will anyone find you if you aren’t doing things to expose other people to your brand or business? Social selling helps you to connect one-on-one with someone and nurture a relationship.
Getting exposure is what will allow many people at once to get to know you and your business. The more you interact in groups, show up consistently, and genuinely showcase your expertise by supporting others publicly and talking about your business, the greater reach you’ll have.
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