5 Ways to Generate New and Innovative Ideas for Your Business
Innovation is not a personality trait most are born with, it needs to be cultivated through practice. By opening your mind and thinking differently, you come up with ideas that maybe nobody has thought of before. You may [..]
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7 Best Ways to Prioritize Your Time
On any given day, you have a lot of work to get done. Your workload feels like it’s stacked to the ceiling and it puts you under enough stress that you can’t think straight. This is a familiar feeling for [..]
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Why Incorporating Play Into Your Workday Can Help You Accomplish More
8 years ago
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When we are young, we are dying to grow up, to have the words “mature” and “adult” thrust upon our shoulders so that we can wear them with pride around other “mature adults”. We [..]
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When to Hire a Consultant and When to Handle Problems Internally
There’s somewhat of a stigma attached to companies hiring outside consultants. Employees see the arrival of consultants and fear that the company is being entirely overhauled, stripped for parts, and that their [..]
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7 Tips & Tools to Successfully Manage a Remote Team
The days of traditional 9-5 brick and mortar workforces have come and are nearly gone. Today, nearly 45% of today’s workforce in the United States works remotely and it’s likely that this percentage will [..]
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Your Employees Are Afraid To Trust You and It’s Costing You Money
I’ve been in management and leadership for nearly 15 years now. I’ve managed big teams, small teams, highly educated teams, and those that were lesser so. I’ve managed racially and gender diverse teams and [..]
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5 Ways to Keep a “Big Picture” Strategy While Operating On a Day-to-Day Basis
Your first year as a startup can set the course for the ultimate failure or success of your business. This one year mark looms large as a major milestone for success, but the first year of operations is just that, your first [..]
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5 Essential Things You Need to Know Before Writing Your Next Blog Post
Does your blog content actually have a positive impact on the bottom line?
2.7 million blog posts are published every day. To stand out, you need to create a remarkable blog. To impact the bottom line, you need to be more [..]
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3 Ways to Procrastinate More, Do Less and Be More Productive
8 years ago
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Productivity is something every successful person chases. I don’t think there is one person who hasn’t wished they had more time. Conventional wisdom would have you believe that productivity is the result of [..]
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How Mindfulness Helps Entrepreneurs Reach Their Goals Faster
A new image flashes through your eyes before you can even begin to understand the messages of the one that came before, there are a dozen different sounds filling the room in addition to the thoughts banging around [..]
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