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6 Must-Have Apps For Social Media

It’s no secret that the power of social media can either make or break your business, which raises the importance of updating your social media regularly. Believe it or not, a consistent social media posting is much harder than most people think. While some businesses have large budgets that allow them to hire a social media manager, smaller companies do not have that luxury. The lack of a social media manager may cause business owners to believe that they cannot keep a significant social media presence without outsourced help; luckily, business owners can use many apps to stay updated on social media.

So if you want to bring your business to the next level, it’s time to keep up with our current environment and build a significant presence online. Here are a few must-have apps to bring your accounts from ordinary to extraordinary.


If you’re one of those business owners that take their planning very seriously, then this is the perfect app for you. Not only can you plan out your grid and get a preview, but you can also schedule your post.

So how does this work? Buffer connects to Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. These platforms can encourage a lot of engagement for your business, so an app like this is handy. On this platform, you’ll schedule your posts, but you can also create content, such as Instagram stories, which is a great way to connect with consumers. Aside from scheduling content, you can also analyse your posts once they are live, so you will be able to monitor your engagement.

Buffer offers multiple packages ranging from $15-$100 a month, which is significantly less than paying a social media manager to do the same thing that this app does.


If your business depends a lot on Pinterest, then this is a must-have app. Like Buffer, the Tailwind app allows you to schedule your Instagram posts. However, the magic happens on Pinterest; when you have a Pinterest account, you have to pin other accounts to increase your engagement continually. 

With Tailwind, you can pin multiple posts at a time, which is great because it saves you so much time from having to sit there and pin a bunch of posts. 

The Tailwind app will cost you roughly $15 per month.

Repost App

What’s a better way to drive up sales and engagements without having to pay for ads? Consider reposting a customer’s post about your products or service. Not only does it show that you love to engage with your customers, but it also encourages people to post about your product with the hopes of being reposted. After all, who doesn’t want to be Instagram famous?

An easy way for you to repost another person’s post is to use the Repost App; this app will allow you to report a person’s picture and caption while also tagging them. What’s best about this app? It’s free!


Adobe Lightroom

A beautiful Instagram timeline can be slightly hard to achieve. However, you do not need to be a professional photographer or photo editor to accomplish this. All you need is the right eye and attention to detail to achieve this download Adobe Lightroom. 

Adobe Lightroom allows you to upload a photo and edit it to fit the brand style you are looking to achieve. This app can brighten your photos, tint them, and even color grade the image until it’s reached your desired look. 

This app will only cost you $9.99 a month, which is a great deal and allows you to bring your photos to a whole new level.


Never underestimate a Boomerang; these types of posts are so much fun to have on your timeline and will catch anyone’s attention when scrolling down their timeline. A boomerang is very similar to a Gif and will put any video on a continuous loop.

These posts are effortless to make, and aside from being easy to use, it is also a ton of fun. This app is also free, so no need to worry about breaking the bank.


While this is more of a project management app, it is an excellent way to keep track of your marketing tasks, especially if you have a marketing team. This app allows you to assign tasks, whether it’s to yourself or a member of your team, and it will enable you to track the progress of all of your projects. 

The Trello app will cost you anywhere from $0.00-$17.50 per month; however, this depends on the number of people you have on your team.

Bonus Tips

While it may be easy to download a few apps, it still does not work if you are not using these tools correctly. So here are just a few more tips that don’t require an app.

  1. Stay Consistent: Although you’ll have access to a scheduling app, you need to make sure that you are always pumping out content. So whenever an idea pops in your head, make sure you make a note of it and work on your post.
  2. Know Your Audience: Make sure you cater to your audience and make it relatable to them. The best way to keep engagement high is by letting your audience feel heard.

With these two tips alone, you’ll keep a loyal audience, and you’ll keep your engagement high with the possibility of increasing sales along the way.

Save Money with Apps

As you can see, the cost of managing all of your social media accounts does not have to break your bank account. You can quickly increase your engagement and drive more traffic to your site using the apps listed in this article. 

It may seem like the easiest route for you would be to contract a social media manager to handle all of these things for you. However, with the right dedication and tools, you can quickly push out great content for a fraction of the price. So the next time you feel overwhelmed and feel that your social media accounts are struggling, take a second, and consider using the tools provided in this article.

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Anabel Morales
Team Writer: Anabel is a lifestyle and travel blogger based in New York City. After starting her blog earlier this year she started venturing out to make a career out of writing. When she is not writing she is reading a novel, or wrapped up in a cool Netflix documentary. You can follow her on Instagram, and Twitter.

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Team Writer: Anabel is a lifestyle and travel blogger based in New York City. After starting her blog earlier this year she started venturing out to make a career out of writing. When she is not writing she is reading a novel, or wrapped up in a cool Netflix documentary. You can follow her on Instagram, and Twitter.

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