6 Ways to Prepare a Business for a Recession
In the U.S., a modern economic recession occurs on average every 6 years and lasts an average of 10 months according to NBER. This means it is likely a business owner who plans on running a business longer than 5 years will [..]
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6 Ways to Stay Motivated as a Solopreneur
Independence is a beautiful and powerful thing. You have absolute control, with no one to hold you back from pursuing your passions in life. In the business world, there is such a path for this independence; one that many [..]
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7 Challenges of Being a Solopreneur and How to Overcome Them
Independence is a beautiful thing. There is something to be said about the power one feels when being in total control. When it comes to business ventures, many entrepreneurs enter this voyage with the idea of being the [..]
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5 Ways to Develop a Growth Mindset
The growth mindset is a psychological concept that’s been gaining traction among educators and researchers over the past few decades. It is a way of thinking about learning that focuses on effort rather than [..]
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Benefits of a Growth Mindset in Business
The mindset that you take on every day in your life can have a deep impact. This is also true in business. It is no secret that one of the major goals of any business is to grow in one area or another. Growing a business in [..]
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No Money; No Problem: 15 Businesses You Can Start with No Money
Having capital to start and grow a business is a big advantage. Being well funded makes product development, marketing, and growth much easier. But what if you want to launch your business but don’t have a lot [..]
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6 of the Most Common Things Business Owners Worry About
Many people dream of owning and running their own business because they see freedom in this route. Being a business owner does come with freedom in your decisions, but it also comes with many different things to worry [..]
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Here are All of Kevin O’Leary’s Shark Tank Investments
With a networth of over $400 million, Kevin O’Leary is one of the most successful and accomplished investors on ABC’s television show Shark Tank. Sometimes known as “Mr. Wonderful”, Kevin [..]
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4 Things to Do When Your Business Is Failing
When a small business starts to fail, things can be terrifying. If you’re not prepared and don’t know what to do, it can quickly become an even scarier situation. But there are ways to survive hardships and get [..]
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10 Great Hobbies for Entrepreneurs
As an entrepreneur, you likely dedicate long hours to your work. But this commitment often comes at the cost of a well-rounded life. That’s why having a hobby can be so beneficial to entrepreneurs. Whether it’s [..]
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