Bricks-and-Clicks Business Model: Definition, Examples, Benefits, and Challenges
For new and existing businesses, it’s important to determine the business model your company operates within, as this defines how it brings in revenue. There are several business models available, and companies can [..]
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7 Critical Thinking Skills Needed for Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship is exciting, isn’t it? As an entrepreneur, you can start with nothing and go as far as your skills will take you. Entrepreneurship requires several different types of skills. You need to be [..]
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Things to Consider When Buying a Car for Business or Personal Use
Selecting the perfect car for your business can be a daunting task, especially with the wide variety of options available in today’s market. However, the right choice can significantly impact your [..]
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8 New Entrepreneur Business Ideas
Starting a new business comes with many steps. However, every business first starts with a great idea. With countless ideas one can find online on how to make money, it can be overwhelming for new entrepreneurs to narrow [..]
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5 Target Markets for a Spa
The global Spa market in 2021 was valued at $95 Billion and is projected to reach $185.5 Billion by the year 2030. The burgeoning wellness industry, coupled with the increasing consumer demand for self-care [..]
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Personal Goals Vs Business Goals: Understanding the Difference and Accomplishing Both
Ambition usually knows no bounds. Entrepreneurs that have lofty business goals also have high expectations for their personal lives. While this isn’t a bad thing, it can create challenges.
Most of us have [..]
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Should My Business Have an App? 5 Questions That Will Help You Decide
By now, you understand the importance of digital marketing when it comes to growing a business. Now, more specifically, we’re seeing the importance of mobile marketing.
We’ve been seeing mobile [..]
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The Lean Business Model Explained
In the world of business, it’s no secret that minimizing wasteful expenses can forge a surefire path to success. Although many business models tackle this dilemma in different ways, one of the most efficient [..]
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7 Reasons for Low Employee Retention
Does your business seem to be a revolving door for employees? Does it seem like nobody wants to work at your company, or that people just seem to be quitting for no reason? Constant employee turnover can be a problem, but [..]
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7 Companies that Successfully Changed Business Models
When we start our businesses, we often know what we hope to accomplish. However, what businesses look like when launched may not be their final form.
When you think about some of the most successful businesses on the [..]
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