Announcing our new book “Social Influence”! Pre-order and get it for 50% off
7 years ago
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What if you could get in front of thousands of prospects, strangers, and famous influencers with a single tweet or post? What would that do for you and your business?
In today’s world, there is a permanent [..]
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The Pros and Cons of Joining an Incubator
7 years ago
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In cities and regions with significant startup presence, incubators are becoming more commonplace. These collaborative programs are spaces designed to help startups succeed at different stages. While each incubator [..]
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How to Use Influencer Marketing to Grow Your Brand
Most startups won’t be able to afford traditional celebrity endorsements of their products, but the widespread use of social media has allowed new classes of influencers, including micro-influencers, to gain [..]
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7 of the Best Ways to Make Money While You’re Sleeping
7 years ago
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7 of the Best Ways to Make Money While You’re Sleeping
Making money doesn’t have to be an exhaustive effort. There are ways you can get money to be made while you’re sleeping. A lot of people have a fear [..]
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Applying a startup mindset to any business-Our first full length course!
7 years ago
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Does any of this sound familiar?…
You’re hustling but aren’t seeing the rewards of your hard work.
You see other people who have started a business after you started yours and are attracting more clients [..]
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How to Recruit Rockstars to Your Team: Our Interview with Author and Entrepreneur Jeff Hyman
As the leader of your business, one of your most important role is to build a talented team around you. This sounds easier than it actually is. The difficulty in finding rockstar team members is a struggle [..]
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Taking a Hint: How to Know When to Rebrand
7 years ago
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Your entrepreneurial mentor has probably told you over and over again that perseverance is the key to entrepreneurial success. Entrepreneurs need to work around setbacks and to problem-solve difficulties. So what happens [..]
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Unleashing your Influence and Building Thought Leadership: Our Interview with John Hall
Online, every business and brand is competing for the attention of the marketplace. We entrepreneurs often use every type of advertising and promotion available that we believe will help attract customers. But [..]
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Loyalty to Customers vs. Loyalty to Employees: The Biggest Mistake a Manager Can Make
I’ve become a fairly active redditor of late and three of my favorite subreddits are /TalesFromRetail, /TalesFromYourServer, and /TalesFromTheFrontDesk. Though these subs have helped me to become a much more patient [..]
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5 Keys to Writing Engaging Email Content that People Will Actually Read
Every day, many of us receive promotional emails from businesses that we have interacted with or purchased from. The vast majority of these emails go unread, and lists become unsubscribed. This article will look at the [..]
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