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Notes from a Freelancer During the Coronavirus Pandemic

There is a lot of talk about how many people are losing their jobs and the economy is going to tank. This is obviously a terrifying thought for many. The majority of people in the U.S. and around the world have a job with a boss that they go to. Their doors have likely been shut (or there’s a looming sense that they will) because of the Coronavirus.

It is a magnificent act of “human love” that we all care enough as a whole to stay home, but of course there is also a reality. For all you entrepreneurs out there who have some attachment to a brick-and-mortar establishment, I’m sure there is a lot of uncertainty on how you’ll stay afloat. A family member of mine has a yoga studio in a smaller city, and even with just one month of it being closed, the writing is already on the wall for her, she’s closing shop.

There is a lot of sadness in this, and it’s hard not to fall into the abyss. We aren’t free, and for those of us in countries that have always been free, this is a hard pill to swallow. There is the other side of things though. This time to reflect and figure out what you really want. To take stock of who you are and what direction you’re going in life. We have slowed down to a glacial pace in life. Haven’t we asked for this (even if just secretly). As you take stock of your life, you might also want to look at your possibilities for starting anew. It is possible even with very little money. While the world might be scared, and perhaps very broke at the end of all this, there will be needs everyone has. Can you fill those needs?


Shifts in the Freelance World

I can see how things have drastically changed for many people, especially for those who work in an office. For me, things haven’t changed too much. Okay, other than the fact that I was very comfortable living in Vietnam and felt the need to come home when the country threatened a strict lockdown. I work from home, and have for many years. My clients are all over the world. I am a writer of all kinds and I am finding that currently, the business is thriving.

I am still doing the same thing I’ve done for years. I do some yoga, grab a simple breakfast, and go to my desk at home to start working. When it comes to work opportunities, I have found that they have grown. In fact, I have found that my work opportunities have doubled since Covid-19 was deemed a pandemic.

Many online businesses are needed or desired more than ever. As many people move quickly to make money online, there is a lot of support that they’re going to need. Businesses that have been long established are all of a sudden looking to change their content online. I am writing articles on the Coronavirus that are helpful for the general public. Certain sectors, such as  coupon websites, are stepping up their game as they’re sure to see a surge in popularity.


Enter the Online World (if you haven’t already)

I have friends who teach abroad in brick and mortar schools. Some of these schools shut down, but it didn’t take more than a day for these teachers to get gigs. In fact, the money was much better, and they didn’t have to deal with the bureaucracy or contradictions of an international school system in a developing country.

As I work online and travel around the world, I have met a lot of people around the world doing the same thing. It’s a pretty common theme actually, and so easy to do. Though I have to say when this virus went viral, many of the people I met went home right away. There’s something about being an expat when humans are considered “weapons with a potential deadly virus” in them, you start to feel uncomfortable.

Friends I’ve met around the world who have always worked online are finding ways to get through this time. In fact, many people are incorporating the pandemic into their business content as a way of helping others. For example, during the toilet paper panic, a successful Instagrammer buddy of mine was tipping off people on how they could get toilet paper from another source. Usually he was giving business tips, but he had to shift his message to be relevant (and do his part to help).

Another friend of mine abroad had just begun her online marketing business to help businesses with their social media marketing. She was worried at first, but when she reached out to some businesses, she actually ended up getting many clients. Businesses are taking this time out to reinvent their companies, to rebrand and do some of the things they didn’t have time to do while business was moving along. I guess the moral of the story here is don’t tell yourself that things aren’t possible and not ever try. Tony Robbins has said in the past that you can still make money when things fall apart. He said this after the housing market crash in 2008.


Making This Time Count

There is always a way to be of service if we can be creative and understand people’s needs right now. Not only are you keeping yourself busy, but you’re also helping people through this. Maybe you’re a yoga teacher or personal trainer. This is something you can do online. Maybe you wanted to before, but didn’t have the time. That’s all changed now.

This time of reflection can be a real benefit to you. With all the free apps out there, you can start something meaningful, and it won’t cost you a cent. This is the time for creativity. You have all the time and tools you need to reinvent yourself and start doing something in life you’re passionate about. The world really is your oyster. Striving for the things you want are going to keep you out of a depressive, desperate state of mind. It will get you out of bed in the morning and keep you passionate about life. When this is all over and you can live again, you’ll be bounding out to share what you’ve come up with.

So think about the things you love to do. Think about what people need right now. How can you fulfill those needs with your special talents? You have something to give to the world. Think about what you like to do in your spare time. Do you have a talent? At this point, you literally have nothing to lose by following your dreams (in the confines of your own home for now). Dare to dream and start to take the steps to get you where you want.

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Loraine Couturier
Staff writer: Loraine Couturier is a jet set writing chick from Canada that travels around the globe. Her writing and marketing skills are what keeps her eating exotic meals and jumping on planes. Loraine loves writing about pretty much anything and likes to pass on the knowledge she has to others. Visit her at https://www.facebook.com/jetsetwritingchick

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Staff writer: Loraine Couturier is a jet set writing chick from Canada that travels around the globe. Her writing and marketing skills are what keeps her eating exotic meals and jumping on planes. Loraine loves writing about pretty much anything and likes to pass on the knowledge she has to others. Visit her at https://www.facebook.com/jetsetwritingchick

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