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How to Make Your Home Office More Conducive to Productivity

No two people are exactly the same. That’s why, when creating your home office, it’s important to create a space that will make you the most productive. Creating a space that keeps your workflow moving efficiently and productively can require a bit of trial and error. There are a lot of do’s and don’t that you should know when designing your home office.

Here are a few of the elements that most people have in their home office spaces, as well as some extra personal touches, which will make it a place you feel productive and efficient every day.


When most people think of an office, they think of the furniture. How big of space you have will help narrow down some of the style options you can explore, but most home offices will all include the following pieces of furniture:

1. Desk

You will need a space to put your computer and to put any necessary paperwork. If you feel that you are most productive when you are able to sit and get focused, you might want a traditional block-style desk with maybe a shelf or two for files. One style gaining popularity is a standing desk, or an attachment you can put on your desk that rises or compacts back down so that you are able to sit or stand depending on your preference. There are many people who feel more productive when they can stand at their desks while working. If your brain processes better while you’re moving, there are also desk options that can fit your treadmill underneath so that you can walk and work at the same time.

2. Chair

Finding the right desk chair can be one of the most personalized choices of furniture you have in your office, as it makes a huge difference in your productivity. If your chair is too comfortable and relaxing, you might catch yourself taking a nap. If it is too rigid and unable to adjust to your body, you might end up achy and cause you to lose focus while working. Finding a great balance between comfort and support will be the best bet for choosing your chair. This is an investment where reading reviews could be very helpful before making your choice. Most office chairs have options where you can adjust the height as well as lumbar support, armrests, and backs. 

3. Filing Cabinet/OrganizationSystem

While most offices are more digitized when it comes to storing files, you will still more than likely need at least a small file cabinet, or organization system, for any paper documentation you have. The more organized your office is, the higher your productivity level will be. 

4. Chairs/Seating for Clients

Depending on the type of business you operate, you might need to keep a space in your home office for clients to come in and meet with you. You will want to set up a space that is comfortable and welcoming so that you don’t lose work time constantly worrying about whether clients will want to enter your office. 

There are many other crucial home office items that help make your space efficient and comfortable. Find the right items for your ideal setup.


Even if you can’t necessarily add windows to the home office space you have, finding ways to increase the light and overall ambiance of the room can help your overall productivity while there. You will want to keep in mind that your lights should be soft and computer screens should not be too close to windows or you might end up with an annoying glare on your screen. 

Having natural light is always helpful to being more productive, and there’s research that supports that natural scenery can boost creativity. Being able to see outside, or even open up the space and get some fresh air, can help improve your mood and productivity levels during a long day. 

Creative Touches

Creating a space that feels homey will make your space the most efficient for you to be productive while in it. Some people prefer bright colors while others might find that overwhelming and choose to keep a more toned-down color scheme. 

You can always add in desk accessories, notebooks, files, mouse pads, and trinkets that bring your personality to the space, which will encourage a positive mindset and help you feel ready to take on the day. Adding in some inspirational quotes or wall hangings would be another great option to give you mantras to look at when your morale might start to slump. 

You can find a few other ideas here when trying to decide what things you need for your office space in order to create a home office where you can be consistently productive. 


With so many options for your office space, and different ways to make it unique for you, there is no limit to the ways you can create a space where you feel productive throughout a long work day. The most productive home office is made up of basic staples and personal touches that make you want to walk in there every day and get right to work. 

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Katie Budd
Team Writer: Katie Budd is a full-time 8-5er in the commercial insurance industry and works on building her freelance writing business. She enjoys creating engaging content for people to read. She also enjoys working out at home doing Street Parking programming, encouraging her kids to chase what they are passionate about, and spending as much time on the farm with her extended family as possible. Follow along with her on her blog and Instagram as she continues to put thoughts into words.

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Team Writer: Katie Budd is a full-time 8-5er in the commercial insurance industry and works on building her freelance writing business. She enjoys creating engaging content for people to read. She also enjoys working out at home doing Street Parking programming, encouraging her kids to chase what they are passionate about, and spending as much time on the farm with her extended family as possible. Follow along with her on her blog and Instagram as she continues to put thoughts into words.
