How to Use Stakeholder Theory to Develop Better Business Goals
Resource management can be a difficult and extremely important consideration for a young startup. Many startups function on a limited budget. And, on top of that, they need to balance investor, employee, and sometimes even [..]
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8 Ways to Keep Your Employees Happy
Let’s face it we have all worked in a place where we just were not happy going to work, in fact, there were some days where you had pre-shift anxiety, or maybe started feeling a hint of sadness on Sunday evenings [..]
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10 Successful Companies That Started During a Recession
Starting a business during a recession is risky. Not only are you risking time and money, you have to fight economic conditions that are out of your control. The fear of being negatively impacted by a recession may [..]
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How to Protect Yourself When Going into Business With Friends
Starting a business with friends can be exciting. However, that excitement can sometimes turn into frustration if the business partnerships fail. It has been reported that up to 70% of all established business partnerships [..]
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How to Take Your Offline Business Online Smoothly
If you run an in-person business, you know that things can become difficult when trying to increase reach and growth goals. During the global crisis of 2020 most non-essential in-person businesses were urged to shut down, [..]
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4 Disadvantage of Starting a Business in a Recession
Because recessions are periods of economic decline, they can make a potential entrepreneur pause. They may then reconsider, wondering if it is wise to start anything new during this time.
Although there have been many [..]
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7 Reasons Why Good Employees Quit
Your aspirations of building a successful business are slowly coming to fruition. You’ve established that there is a need for your product or service through thorough market research. Your company has finally been [..]
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10 Tips for Starting an Online Freelance Business
Starting any online business can be as exciting as it is daunting. There are all of the technical aspects of running an online business that you need to manage. You also need to make sure that your clients are happy. There [..]
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How to Say “No” to a Friend Who Wants to Join Your Business
As an entrepreneur, having good friends is important. A strong social circle can provide support as well as offers a means to escape work and just enjoy the company of people you care about. This is really important for [..]
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When Good Employees Stop Caring and What to Do About It
Do your employees care about their work? When good employees stop caring, it’s a matter that needs immediate attention. Do you know how to deal with this problem? Would you even know that this was a problem? [..]
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