High-Touch vs Low-Touch Business Models: The Differences Between the Two Engagement Models
When starting a business, entrepreneurs need to decide how they want to run their business. This includes things like which products they want to sell, how they want to position their brand, and what type of customers they [..]
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Understanding the Reward-Based Crowdfunding Model
For over 25 years, the crowdfunding model has been available to entrepreneurs, startups, creators, individuals, and others as a way to fund a project. This funding model can be a powerful way to get a project off the ground [..]
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The Customer-Centric Business Model Explained
1 year ago
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Entrepreneurs and business owners all understand how important customer service is to the life of their businesses. When customers are happy, businesses tend to enjoy numerous benefits. For example, according to Salesforce [..]
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The Self-Service Business Model Explained
We have seen the self-service model grow exponentially over the years. ATMs were one of the first examples of this model in action. As consumers embrace convenience, and with technology integrated into daily life, [..]
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The Agency Business Model Explained
1 year ago
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Agencies have been around since around the 1700s, and have had their fair share of change over the years. In this article, we will look at the agency business model today, the types of agencies, and the different advantages [..]
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The Interior Design Business Model Explained
1 year ago
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Being an entrepreneur often means exercising creativity. However, there are some business models where creativity is much more intertwined with the nature of the business than others. One of these types of businesses is [..]
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Understanding the Fast Fashion Business Model
1 year ago
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Forever 21, Zara, and H&M are all household fast fashion brands at this point. Fast fashion revolutionized the fashion industry in the 1990s, bringing affordable trends to consumers quickly.
As technology [..]
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The Coaching Business Model: What it Is, Advantages, and Disadvantages
To succeed in life, people often need a person to coach them. Having a coach or someone to guide them towards their goal while holding them accountable increases the likelihood that the person will find their way to their [..]
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Understanding the Debt-Based Crowdfunding Model
The concept of crowdfunding is simple: a group of people or investors pool money to fund a project, cause, or business. The modern history of crowdfunding goes back to 1997. The British rock band Marillion was able to raise [..]
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Travel Agency Business Model: What It Is and How it Works
In 1758, Cox & Kings became the first travel agency in modern history. Since then, the traditional travel agency model has grown and evolved into a $149 billion industry while the new online traveling agency model [..]
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