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15 Online Freelance Business Ideas

Online Freelance Business Ideas

If you have ever thought about starting a business but have no desire to deal with funding, inventory, renting office space, or hiring a team, becoming an online freelancer may be a good alternative. Online freelancing, in particular, can be an even easier business to start.

Online freelancing is a type of online business where a freelancer provide a variety of services for companies and individuals. Unlike traditional freelancers, online freelancers operate their businesses mostly online. They find clients using sites like Upwork, LinkedIn, and Freelacer.com. Online freelancers utilize virtual meeting platforms to meet with clients if needed. Starting an online freelancing business is relatively easy for just about anyone.

If you want to operate an online business that provides services, freelancing is the way to go. But what kind of freelancing can you do? In this article, we’ll list 15 of the most popular and lucrative freelancing online.

1. Freelance Animator

A freelance animator is a freelancer that creates sketches, artwork, and graphics for clients. Animators can also design animation environments, backgrounds, and also 3D animations. A freelance animator’s target client could be a corporation, agency, or even a small business looking to create promotional videos for their YouTube channel.

To become a freelance animator you will need to be skilled in computer animation. You may want to get certified before launching this business. Both Adobe and Autodesk offer highly valued certifications. 

2. Freelance Video Editor

A freelance video editing business allows you to edit videos for clients of all kinds. The rise of YouTube and video marketing has increased the demand for video editors. You do not need expensive equipment, and you can make do with a powerful laptop that can hold a lot of editing software. 

To get started, you should create a portfolio of your capabilities. Video editors can also specialize in a specific niche. For example, editing sports videos. Or, they can cater to a broader array of categories like editing wedding videos, presentations, product videos, or even comedy videos for YouTubers.


3. Social Media Manager

Good social media managers are in high demand. Especially as the competition for attention online continues to increase. Managing social media accounts for businesses, non-profits, and public figures is a relatively easy business to start.

A social media manager’s responsibilities include writing and scheduling posts, creating content, answering customer questions, managing ads, and more. Corporate social media managers make between $34,432 to $56,571 annually. As a for-hire social media manager, you can be more competitive with your prices or even charge more if you can deliver results. Check out our post on how to become a social media manager for more on starting this type of business.


4. Web Designer or Web Developer

Many new and established businesses require help building, designing, and maintaining their websites. Freelance web developers and designers are often hired to assist with these needs.

The difference between a web developer and a web designer is that web designers are responsible for the design of the visual layout of websites. Developers are more on the back end of websites making sure the code is clean and the site is functional. 

There is a lot of competition for web design so you will have to choose whether you are going to charge by the hour or by the project. The good news is that you can vary your pricing strategy depending on the client.


5. Tutor

Individuals who have a knack for teaching can choose to do so solely online by offering online tutoring as a business. Online tutors help students and professionals learn concepts and subjects. Online tutors can help young students with exams and college preparations. 

However, online tutors can also help professionals. Many professions in the finance, medical and technology sectors require additional certifications and licenses in order for a person to advance. Online tutors can help professionals study for licensing exams. 

You do not need to have a degree in teaching or any other training to be a tutor. However, you do need to be very knowledgeable in the area you are tutoring.  



6. Virtual Assistant

Freelance virtual assisting is an easy and popular business that can be started by just about anyone. Virtual assistants execute various tasks for their online clients. 

Some of these tasks include sending and responding to emails, conducting research for blog content, posting and editing blog posts, and updating social media. In order to keep a client happy, freelance virtual assistants should be able to complete tasks quickly and with minimal errors. They should also possess good communication skills. With so many VAs out there, clients have a lot of options. Quality work will prevent you from losing clients.


7. Freelance Writer

One of the most popular freelancing businesses available is freelance writing. This online freelance business is easy to start and requires almost no money to get started. Additionally, you get to have a flexible schedule and exposure to different niches. There are a variety of writing jobs available ranging from ghostwriting, blogging, and web content.



8. Freelance App Developer

Freelance app development is an online business where you can develop apps for small and medium-sized businesses. You can also develop apps for individual use. Developing apps for iOS and the Android platform can turn out to be lucrative if your app becomes popular enough. 

Developers are in massive demand, and those in the Android platform have an average salary of $97.6K.


9. Freelance Music Instructor

People are always looking to learn how to use a musical instrument. As a freelance music instructor, you can share your passion for music with students anywhere in the world.

With the help of any virtual meeting software, you can teach an individual or even a group. You can opt to charge per hour or lesson.




10. Freelance Tax Preparation

Many people mistake a freelance tax preparer for an accountant. Although both deal with tax filing, there are some notable differences. While both can file taxes on behalf of a client and represent themselves before the IRS on the client’s behalf, A Certified Public Accountant (CPA) deals with broader financial matters. 

A CPA is a licensed professional with advanced education and training in many areas of accounting and business. A licensed tax preparer, on the other hand, does not need advanced degrees for basic tax prep. 

Becoming a tax preparer is relatively easy once you gain knowledge and expertise in filing taxes. This freelance business is definitely a seasonal one. During tax season, you will have to meet the deadlines of the tax agencies and may need to juggle several clients at a time. 



11. Graphic Designer

In the past, graphic designers had a reputation for just designing logos. However, their roles have expanded over the last several years. Many businesses not only need logos and branding, but they also need social media and website graphics.  

If you have an artistic eye and can learn to use programs such as Adobe Illustrator, Gimp, Photoshop, and other software, you may want to consider starting a freelance graphic design business. 


12. Freelance Financial Consultant

You don’t need to be a Financial Advisor to help people with their personal finance needs. As a freelance online consultant, you will be responsible for helping clients with budgeting and credit management.

Freelance online consultants meet with their clients weekly or monthly and discuss financial goals. You will need to know how to develop financial strategies for different types of people who are in different stages of life.



13. Career coach

As a career coach, you can help people find their perfect job and help them discover the career that best suits them. Freelance career coaches listen well, understand the job market, and understand the HR hiring process.  Career coaches typically charge $75-$100 per hour.


14. Freelance Game Developer

Mobile gaming has matured as an industry. Mobile gamers have spent over $41 billion during the first half of 2022. Gaming companies will often hire freelance game developers to help them complete projects or test software.

A freelance game developer can be a lucrative business if the freelancer is knowledgeable and skilled. This online freelancing business can easily lead to a six-figure income within a year.


15. Content Editor

Content editors are responsible for reviewing and editing articles, manuals, books, and any other type of written publication. As more web content is being published each year, editors are still highly sought after.

Keep in mind, however, that tools like Grammarly, a proofreading software, threaten the content editing profession. However, Grammarly is still not able to be as thorough as a human editor. This means that freelance editors need to be able to do more than just proofread. They must be able to make sentences clearer, understand context, and improve content much better than tools like Grammarly can.


As you can see, there are many different options for those who want to start a freelancing business. Do your research and due diligence before you start your online business. Once you’ve found the right business, get started finding clients that could use your help!

Thomas Martin
Tom is a member of the Editorial Team at StartUp Mindset. He has over 6 years of experience with writing on business, entrepreneurship, and other topics. He mainly focuses on online businesses, digital publishing, marketing and eCommerce startups.

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Tom is a member of the Editorial Team at StartUp Mindset. He has over 6 years of experience with writing on business, entrepreneurship, and other topics. He mainly focuses on online businesses, digital publishing, marketing and eCommerce startups.

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