Burnout can be fatal for new entrepreneurs and young startups, especially when it targets core members of your team. In the early days at a startup, your capital is your team members. It’s often all hands on deck, and when a critical set of hands is missing it’s noticeable. As teams grow and startups mature, this frantic culture can continue despite teams and resources growing larger.
Burnout occurs across all industries, roles, demographic groups, and locations. At one point or another, all of us will experience some degree of burnout. It’s impossible to remove all stressors in your workplace for every one of your employees, but there are a number of steps that you can take to slow down or even eliminate signs of burnout. This process has to begin with the acknowledgement that burnout is a problem in your team. It needs to be talked about and addressed in the open. When people feel that they are alone in their problem, they’re less likely to seek external support and more likely to internalize these issues. Once the issue is out in the open, you can take steps to reduce burnout for your team and in your own life.
This video will give you 6 ways to avoid burnout for you and your team
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