Should you consider these 6 options for tax debt relief?
As a taxpayer, it is only natural to worry that a financial crisis will leave you or your family completely powerless and at the mercy of the IRS. If you find yourself in the understandably concerning situation where you are [..]
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Once you’ve caught the Startup bug, is there any looking back?
It would appear not. At least if you’re a marketer that is!
It’s estimated that 100’s of millions of startups are created each year. In actual fact, the exact figure is something of a [..]
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What Are The Best Ways That You Can Invest Your Hard-Earned Money?
Money is difficult to come by. It is also more difficult to manage. There are many things that you could use your money for, and this abundance of choice may initially be perceived as a good thing. However, when dealing with [..]
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4 Reasons Why Students Should Consider Majoring In Economics in College
Economics majors can be found in nearly every field imaginable. From worldwide research projects to NGOs, your local bank officers to IRS employees and even entrepreneurs. No matter what type of career or adventure [..]
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How Should You Dress for a Sales Meeting?
Styling is actually a language that portrays your personality. Especially if you are a salesperson, the importance of your attire doubles because you will be interacting directly with the prospective clients of your company. [..]
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Essential Communication Tools Your Business Should Be Using
Keeping everyone in your small business on the same page is essential for success. For most business owners, scheduling meetings to talk with their team about changes and new developments is something they do [..]
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The Symphony of Exceptional Corporate Leadership
Leading as the conductor of a symphony can be compared to corporate leadership. The symphony can be closely compared with the corporate team of workers. In a symphony different people are playing various instruments, all [..]
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Top 3 Reasons Your Online Business Needs A Sales Funnel
The business landscape has evolved countless times since the opening of the world’s first business in the year 705. From that first business venture ever to the birth of neighborhood mom and pop stores and large [..]
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Important Tools for a Startups Need to Succeed
Embarking on an entrepreneurial journey demands resilience, tenacity, and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Most importantly, it requires you to have the necessary tools at your disposal. With that in mind, here are some [..]
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A Bullet Proof Risk Management Checklist for Startups
Risk is a part of doing business. However, businesses in different industries are exposed to various types of risks. Startups tend to be exposed to the most risks, and this may explain why most of them fail before their [..]
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