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Mark Zuckerberg’s Social Media Accounts Hacked

News of celebrities being hacked is very common on gossip blogs. Just last week Katy Perry’s Twitter account was compromised.  However, the latest victim of hacking is someone we never expected; Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s CEO.  The founder of the world’s biggest social media platform was hacked on Sunday; with the hackers posting on his accounts to boast of their achievement.

A hacker group going by the name OurMine Team acknowledged the brief hack. Among those of Mark’s accounts that were compromised include Pinterest, LinkedIn, and Twitter. The group took credit via Mark’s Twitter and Pinterest accounts. On Twitter, they claimed they were testing his security. They even went on to invite the 32-year-old billionaire to contact them in the post. Mark Zuckerberg isn’t much of a Twitter user, and he was last active in 2012. The rogue posts have since been deleted. However, screenshot images of the posts are available on Twitter.

OurMine Team is said to have created a fake LinkedIn profile for the billionaire and claim they also had his Instagram details. The hackers also revealed his password “dadada” which he used for the multiple accounts.  I know, we didn’t believe it either.

The password is said to have been discovered when user profiles of LinkedIn were compromised back in 2012 and their details being released recently. LinkedIn had warned its users to change their passwords after the security breach.

The group of hackers has since had their account suspended; they had over 40,000 followers. They to have reacted to the move through their secondary Twitter handle @OurMine43. The group says it doesn’t understand the deleting of their previous account. Also, the hack of Mark’s accounts was aimed at showing him his security flaws.

Facebook Inc. through a spokesperson has released a statement saying they have re-secured the CEO’s accounts. They have also gotten rid of the fake profile. The statement clarified that his Facebook account wasn’t affected by the incident. And no information on Facebook’s systems was accessed.

The recent hacking of Mark Zuckerberg serves to remind us to use strong passwords and authenticating systems to avoid hacking of our accounts. Besides, we shouldn’t use one password for multiple accounts.


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