It is now universally acknowledged that our lives depend on connectivity, from starting your day browsing your email, posting a snap of your breakfast, to cruising the commute to work while listening to a podcast. The process continues as life in the office also revolves around the ability to connect. Collaboration – essential in an organization – is made easy through advancements in technology and connectivity.
It has been a decade since 4G has been introduced commercially. With the pursuit of advanced development in technology, tech companies and cities are starting to invest in infrastructure developments that will utilize 5G.
Understanding 5G
As elaborated by CNN, 5G is the fifth generation of wireless network technology. Enthusiasts of the tech Industry are gushing about the substantial improvement in the speed and bandwidth of 5G compared to 4G/LTE.
It is said that the speed of the wireless network would be at least ten times faster than the current widely used 4G network. It will also have a greater bandwidth – the capacity of the network to connect more devices.
Although already introduced in select cities, it will take a few more years before it will be widely used throughout the world. For context, GSMA – a global administrator of mobile operators worldwide – reports that in four years – 2025 – ⅓ of the world’s population will be covered by the 5G network.
One hurdle to worldwide usage of 5G will be the cost. For starters, cell towers will need to be updated. To better understand, 5G operates on a different radio frequency. It will function on a high frequency, which entails faster reception, but the coverage will be smaller because of the shortwave band. Providers are introducing small cells – small box cell sites attached to light poles, walls, etc. – to extend the coverage of 5G, as explained by CNN.
Moreover, availability and speed will vary in different cities because 5G can be offered in three distinct parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. As Wired stated, 5G can be provided in low-band, mid-band, and high-band spectrums. Low-band is on the slower end of the spectrum but has the broadest reach among the three. Mid-band has the balance of speed and reach. While high-band, or widely known as mmWave, could enable 10Gbps speed but is easily disrupted by barriers like trees, people, and rain.
Unlike the 5G infrastructure, the development and distribution of 5G-enabled devices are in steady growth. Also, 5G devices are now being offered commercially.
Imminently, 5G will soon dominate the world. Innovation and productivity in business will increase as the network connection becomes faster. Listed below are some examples of what we could expect 5G will develop in companies.
4 Benefits of 5G in your business
1. Improvement in the Work Environment
Smart devices are a hit in the market. Substantial numbers of people are slowly transitioning to smart homes. With the continuous innovation in smart devices, workplaces are steadily riding the tide. As the companies’ and employees’ pursuit of finding the balance between work productivity and a healthy work environment continues, 5G will emerge as the critical factor in improving the employees’ work-life balance.
In a study discussed by Glassdoor, the authors found a significant causal link between employee satisfaction and the market value of a company. With studies supporting that implementing a healthy work-life balance for employees will greatly benefit business performance, there is an expected rise in companies investing in 5G and smart devices to promote a flexible work environment.
2. Rise in Product Innovation
Improvements in artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, and self-driving cars will be notable in the coming years. With the advancements in network connection, innovation in IoT – the Internet of Things – will skyrocket. Although IoT sounds foreign, it has been around since the mid-2000s. Basically, IoT is the concept of connecting any device to the internet or a network of other devices, as explained by Forbes. In a short time, we’ll be witnessing the integration of IoT even in managing traffic. With the introduction of 5G, our road to smart cities seems just a few years away.
3. Increase in Learning New Skillsets
One reason for conducting training is to teach employees how to adapt to new advancements in business processes. It also serves as part of the competitive strategy in strengthening employee morale. With the emergence of 5G, employees can retain work-life balance while attending training, which has been made possible with the innovation of video conferencing and virtual learning. In addition, members of society can continue to improve and grow their skills just about anywhere that has an internet connection.
4. Reduced Pollution
In recent years, different parts of the world have been hit by the effects of climate change – in the forms of storm surges, flooding, and wildfires. These calamities not only have a direct impact on economies but also on businesses. Vehicle pollution is one of the significant contributors to air pollution, which leads to climate change. With 5G, the government will be able to structure a plan for smart traffic management, leading to a boost in available public transportation and a decrease in pollution. Automated vehicles will also help in traffic management. With these proposed solutions, more business ventures will emerge.
For a better understanding of the benefits of 5G, read the presented study of GSMA.
5G paints a brighter future for businesses. At its core, business is about providing solutions to world problems. With the new generation of wireless network technology, this generation may witness a new industrial revolution.