Instagram has taken users’ experience a notch higher by implementing updates to its stories feature. It has recently embraced the use of geostickers which is a Snapchat invention. The company has shed more light on the feature citing that it is an advanced version of stickers capability introduced earlier on last year.
Thanks to the geostickers, Instagram users are now in a position to adorn images and videos while posting content. The geostickers are visual location tags that act as a representation of one’s present location.
For Instagram users who have previously used Snapchat, integrating a geosticker in a story is very easy. The only requirement is to locate the sticker icon and add it to a video or photo. The sticker icon is usually at the upper right corner.
As opposed to Snapchat, Instagram offers users the ability to add more than one geosticker to a story. As of now, this feature is only available in New York and Jakarta though it is expected to penetrate other cities in the near future.