20 Employee Morale Survey Questions to Ask Your Team
We likely all have first-hand experience with the importance of workplace morale. When we enjoy our jobs and have positive relationships with colleagues and managers, we tend to be more engaged and productive. On the other [..]
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How to Communicate with Employees While on Leave
Sometimes even the most experienced and hard-working employees take a leave of absence. During this time, it’s not uncommon to encounter issues at work that are difficult to resolve without the missing expert.
We all [..]
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Business Model for Staffing Agency Explained
The job market is ever-evolving. Pair that with the increasing popularity of remote work and the emergence of AI technology and the results are that businesses across various industries face a constant challenge in [..]
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What is the Difference Between a Manager and Supervisor?
The corporate world is filled with various titles and roles. Some of them like the CEO and COO are usually clear and defined. Others seem to be more closely related in their functions that many people get the two [..]
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What to Do When an Employee is Not the Right Fit
Onboarding a new hire isn’t always a seamless process. Sometimes new employees need time to adjust to their new work environment, but sometimes it’s just not a great fit. As a leader, this is one of the most [..]
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The Business Model for a Nonprofit Explained
When you think of the term “nonprofit organization” what do you think of? Does it conjure up images of altruistic groups working selflessly for societal good? If so, you thought correctly in many ways. [..]
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Here are All of the Guests that Have Appeared on Shark Tank
It has probably happened to all of us who watch the show. We eagerly watch the introduction to the program and the announcer introduces a “guest shark”. It is at that point we all say “who is [..]
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Team vs Individual Business Goals: Understanding Them Both
As you reach for your business objectives, you’ll notice two distinct categories: team goals and individual goals. Each type of goal wields its unique power in driving corporate progress. Team goals work [..]
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How a Print-on-Demand Service Can Revolutionize Your Business
A print-on-demand service greatly minimizes (and often eliminates) the need to carry inventory. It also allows businesses to experiment with new products without any financial risk. Customers love unique, personalized [..]
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The Main Target Markets for a Gardening Business
Do you have a green thumb? If you’d like to make some money while planning a vegetable garden or mowing the lawn, a gardening business might be a good fit for you. Or perhaps you’ve already started a gardening [..]
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