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Attorney Aaron Kelly: 5 Reasons Startups Need a Good Lawyer



There are two crucial professionals that startups need in their business: a trustworthy accountant and a good lawyer. An accountant can chart your accounts and a lawyer can provide vital assistance in all legal aspects of your business. Attorney Aaron Kelly is an experienced lawyer for startup companies.

Attorney Aaron Kelly, is the founding member of Kelly/Warner, PLLC, a law firm that specializes in internet law, Internet marketing law, intellectual property rights, business law, contract law, and bankruptcy law.

There are several key issues that startups need to deal with on a legal perspective. These include formation, agreement with founders and partners, leases, company branding, hiring, contracts, and raising capital.

With a good lawyer, you can avoid any possible legal disputes in your business. Mr. Kelly strives to provide top quality legal representation and counseling to his clients. If you are startup, he and his firm can help protect your business from any future legal hassle. Here are his five tips a to why your startup should consider hiring a laywer.

5 Reasons You Should Hire a Lawyer for your Startup

Assist with Company Formation

The first thing a startup encounters prior to launching is forming the company as a legal entity. Today, your most common choice is either an LLC or a corporation. Choosing the right entity will depend on essential factors like tax considerations, liability, need to raise capital from investors, and employee incentives.

Another important decision is where the company should be formed. This will also depend on certain considerations. Usually, people form their business entities in the state where they plan to conduct their business. Others who want to raise capital may seek to form their companies in other states.

Wherever you plan to form the company, make sure that you form it properly and that the business name is up for grabs and protectable. If you plan to take advantage of limited liability as a business owner, establish the business entity first before launching or starting operations.

Can Help Register Intellectual Property on Your Behalf

A lawyer can help you understand intellectual property (IP) laws and guide you to the right IP registration.

You own legal rights to your artistic works, designs and inventions. The wisdom of IP law is to give you incentive to develop creative works that provide useful benefits to society. This allows you to profit from your works without having to fear other people using them for commercial gain.

Although there are a lot of written articles about intellectual property laws, a good lawyer can help you understand and enforce your rights over your creative works. Patents, trademarks, names, and copyrights are some of the things every business owner should know about.

Any unauthorized use or any of your intellectual property is considered infringement. A lawyer can help you protect your IP from unauthorized use, if it is initially registered as your own.

Can Help You Regain Control of Internet Domain Names from Competitors and Those Looking to Profit with Ill-Intentions

As more companies turn to the Internet to market their businesses, disputes over domain names become common. If not settled early on, these disputes can turn into costly and time-wasting litigations.

In worst cases, competitors can gain control of your domain name and use it for profit with ill intentions. One case was when a distasteful organization called “People Eating Tasty Animals” took over the domain name “peta.org”, a malicious move against “People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals”. Fortunately, the domain name got suspended.

When unexpected things like this happen, there are legal remedies that you and your lawyer can pursue. Usually, people turn to the courts and judges can award the domain name back to you.

Domain names sell quickly. Every hour, thousands of people all over the world register domain names for their personal or organizational use. If you are not fast enough and someone with ill intentions took over your domain name of choice, you can bring the matter to court with the help of a lawyer, as long as you have strong and valid reasons to do so. Other remedies that avoid lawsuits are also available.

Assists Companies with Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Technology Laws

Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology has taken off since 2010. Startups are utilizing this technology to raise funds through token sales, or Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs). With the rapid rise of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies, new business and legal issues have arisen.

A cryptocurrency and blockchain lawyer can guide on legal issues surrounding cryptocurrency and blockchain technology including, among many others:

Corporate and securities laws
Venture financing
Banking compliance
Privacy and cybersecurity

Assists Companies with E-Commerce Laws

Most companies selling a product with utilize the internet to the sell their product, whether exclusively or in addition to brick and mortar stores. However, many legal issues can arise if you do not approach your e-commerce business correctly.

One common legal issue that often arises with e-commerce businesses is advertising and marketing. As you utilize digital media to advertise your product, you will need to abide by the same FTC laws and principles that guide traditional media, this protects the credibility of your business and the credibility of the internet as an advertising medium.

Another common issue that can arise for startup e-commerce businesses is the use of e-mail marketing platforms and protecting users’ privacy. Prior to sending users e-mails promoting your business, you must ensure that you have permission to use their email address. You must also keep in mind that you must honor any claims made in e-mails. Lastly, you must be able to provide users with a way for them to “opt out” of receiving your emails.

Consulting a lawyer prior to launching your e-commerce business can ensure that all of your business practices meet laws set in place for e-commerce businesses.

Connect with Attorney Aaron Kelly

Need legal advice for your startup company? Connect with Lawyer, Aaron Kelly by:
visiting his website http://www.aaronkellylaw.com/
following his blog http://kellylawblog.com/
connect with him on LinkedIn

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