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Are You At Risk of a Cybersecurity Attack? Here’s how to Know For Sure

The age of technology has allowed us to go where no man has before in terms of business. It’s an exciting time, but there are also some risks. The information you hold is lucrative for others to have. Take for example, if you happen to have your customers’ credit cards on file. There are people who make it a full time job to attempt to extract that information from you.

Taking people’s identification and using it to their advantage is yet another reason cyber attackers might come after you. They are out there, and they are smart. So you have to be smart too and protect your company against cybersecurity attacks. It could ruin your reputation and destroy your business. You are responsible for other people’s information. So what can you do to prevent people from getting into your database? We’re going to explain how you can check for deficiencies so you can fix them.



Your Employees Lack the Knowledge

It’s not common knowledge that most of the attacks are going to come through on your email. If you have employees who rely on a business email to communicate, you want to make sure that they know what an unsafe document looks like. Malware attacks are professional and well thought out. It might look like a company email with a document that pertains to the person’s job.

The phishing attempts are designed to convince an employee that the email is trustworthy so they can go ahead and open the document. Once they open the document, they have unleashed a major problem for your business. Your employees need to know that this is happening and to keep very aware of what they open. There is cyberattack training available that is well worth getting your staff to do. This could save you a lot of trouble later.

Your Facility Doesn’t Have Physical Security

If you happen to be brick and mortar, it’s important to have some kind of security for your office. A cyber attack can come from stealing a computer with all the confidential information available. Many places have laptops or light PC’s, which make them much easier to steal than ever before. There is also the little USB drive that can be stolen.

Sadly, some employees might even be in on the action for stealing information. That, or they may lose a USB drive and it goes into the wrong hands. It’s important that your company be aware in some way of what is happening with information in their office. Even government offices fall short of these practices. It’s important to prepare yourself for the potential of a break in or security breech. It’s recommended that only USB drives from the office are allowed to be used and there needs to be a record of who has taken what USB drives for what purpose.

You Don’t Have Multi-Factor Authentication

If you don’t have a Multi-factor Authentication, you’re not alone but that doesn’t make it okay. Basically, if someone in your office isn’t saving passwords correctly, everyone is in jeopardy of being hacked. You have probably heard people say how important it is to have multiple passwords that are changed regularly. If you don’t, it’s basically like leaving your front door unlocked while you go on a holiday for two weeks. You’re asking for a break in. Data found that 65% of users on the internet are using the same password for multiple accounts. In a company, this could spell disaster. It means that if a hacker should get access to a password from one employee, they may be able to get into other people’s accounts.

This is where the Multi-factor Authentication comes in to save the day. As a user, when you log in with your username and password, a one-time code is sent to your email of phone. If you don’t have this information, you can’t login. This prevents security breaches while also alerting the company that an unauthorized person attempted to login.

You Haven’t Updated Your Security Technology

You probably purchased security when it became mandatory, but have you updated it? If you haven’t updated your technology or you’re not sure if you have, check out what you have. You need to make sure that your security technology is updated because those attackers are always evolving. They have found loopholes from people who weren’t paying attention. Make sure to choose adequate systems and make sure that they’re being updated consistently.

It’s important to note that you will suffer greatly if your business information is hacked. Think of how your customer base will feel when they find out that their information has been given to someone. They will never trust you again, and they will tell everyone they know that you’re not a reputable business. This is a pretty big deal when it comes to running a company.

It is your responsibility to keep their information safe. The extent that a successful cyberattack can have an impact on your company would be far more devastating than you can even imagine. So get on board with being on top when it comes to keeping your company secure from these attacks. It takes very little effort, and doesn’t have to cost a lot of money. However, if the worst were to happen, it could cost you everything.

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Loraine Couturier
Staff writer: Loraine Couturier is a jet set writing chick from Canada that travels around the globe. Her writing and marketing skills are what keeps her eating exotic meals and jumping on planes. Loraine loves writing about pretty much anything and likes to pass on the knowledge she has to others. Visit her at https://www.facebook.com/jetsetwritingchick

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Staff writer: Loraine Couturier is a jet set writing chick from Canada that travels around the globe. Her writing and marketing skills are what keeps her eating exotic meals and jumping on planes. Loraine loves writing about pretty much anything and likes to pass on the knowledge she has to others. Visit her at https://www.facebook.com/jetsetwritingchick

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